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I will ask your opinion about it at the end of this episode. You can either say you hate it or love it.

Bold mean I'm talking
Italic means something that is written on paper that I will barely use.
Normal means that it's the original or the anime is going
""This means that someone talked
'' This means someone thought of something
And....yeah I think that's about it

Oh, wait [] this means extra info from me or just me talking my opinion


It was a beautiful morning, with light blue skies, and dark green trees. It was all a beautiful day today.

A girl, with dark green hair that was in a bun, and beautiful sea blue eye with freckles was seen picking some flowers/weeds from the garden. And a man, with white, long hair that was tied up, with gray eye color, and a little scar that was just below his right eye. He was looking at what the girl was doing, leaning in a bit

Behind them, a person called "Maomao, Lyly". Maomao, the girl with dark green hair, and Lyly, the boy with white hair looked at the old man that was inside the house. Maomao hummed, as a response to the old man that called them.

"Can you deliver medicine to the Verdigris House?" The old man asked kindly and with gentle voice. "Got it, old man" Maomao said, and Lyly nods as he doesn't talk much.

"Recently, a lot of woman are getting kidnapped. Be careful, you two. And Lyly, please try to protect Maomao from getting kidnapped" the old man warned the two as they were getting they were getting their basket, Lyly nods, understanding what the old man said. "I'll be fine, we'll stop by the farm"Maomao said.

"All right. Thank you" the old man said thanking the two. Maomao said "We'll be off" before they were going out of the house, they started to lightly run to the city.

They came out running through an alleyway. And the city was a enormous beautiful city with lots of stores on the way.

As they kept running, they came to the Verdigris house. As they were going inside, a three man with darkly colored clothed mans saw the two running. One of them pointed at the two, smirking as if they were planning something.

The Verdigris house was something you would call a love hotel. But instead of 2 person coming inside it together, it was like a strip club with beautiful womans, ready to be with the man they were supposed to meet.

And old woman, with white hair and smoke in her hands saw a fat man that was with some gray coloured cups or something and said "That's all you've got?", "Come on, this is my whole fortune" the fat man said. Behind the man was rows of different kinds of man, a lot of them were holding something in their hands.

Maomao and Lyly was behind the scene, lightly running

The old woman blew the smoke out of her mouth, and got the fire out. The fat man saw a beautiful lady with purple hair, that had big chest, and wooed as he saw her. "Out of the question" the old woman said, while the beautiful, purple haired lady winked at the man and walked away.

"That's one of the Verdigris House's prized Three Princesses, the populat Pairin!" The fat man exclaimed as the people behind him wooed behind him aswell. The old woman said "Don't look without paying!" angrily.

Maomao and Lyly got inside a room and put their basket on the ground. Maomao got took her shoes off and got ontop of the planket with a lot of drawer on the wall, while Lyly just sat on the chair that was on the opposite side of where Maomao was going to.

Maomao crawls to the desk and writes on the paper saying "Hm, it's not healing fast enough. I'll change the recipe", her hands looked like it was burnt but it didn't quiet look burnt as it also looked like it was bruised badly by something but looked flesh and red to be a scar.
"You should stop experimenting yourself on poisoning with something new, Maomao" Lyly called Maomao out, quietly and calmly, sitting on the chair tired. "Shut up, Lyly" Maomao said, annoyed a bit.

"Oh, Maomao" a voice was heard. Maomao looked up from her hands "Big Sis Pairin" she said, while Lyly looks at Pairin, doing nothing but staying quiet

Pairin walked up to Maomao and saw all the scar like thing on her hand "Look at those new scars!" She said sternly. "Oh, this? They're experiments for my medicine, like usual" "As if" "Shut up, Lyly" the two argued quietly as Pairin got behind Maomao and hugged her, stopping the two arguing. Maomao got surprised and realized that Big Sis Pairin was behind her. [Pairing has big chests, ngl]

"Are you eating properly?" Pairin asks, "Those things are impressive as always" Maomao exclaimed about Pairin's big chests. Lyly agreed with Maomao, nodding. "Oh, hi Lyly" Pairin said, just realizing him. Lyly waved at Big Sis Pairin, with neutral face.

"Maomao! Lyly! If one of your little experiments blows up this room, I won't forgive you!" The old woman said, mostly saying it to Maomao. She blew her smoke out before saying "Or would you rather work as a courtesan here instead?" smirking smugly.

"Shoot!" Maomao said and got up hurrily and grabbed her basket while Lyly was grabbing his basket calmly but fastly, out of habit. "Granny, we're leaving the medicine here!" She said and ran out of the room, with Lyly behind her. "Say hello to the old man for me! Geez." Granny said looking behind the two.

After Granny said that, another 2 beautiful princesses of the Verdigris house came to the room. "I heard Maomao's, and Lyly's voice" one of them said, "Where did Maomao and Lyly go?" the other asked, confused. "They ran away" Pairin answered.

Maomao and Lyly was now running back to their home. "That sleazy granny...She tells me to be a courtesan any chance she gets!" Maomao complained a bit, as Lyly sighed, giving up before even saying it, knowing it would be another useless argue to make.

While they were running, the 3 man from earlier looked behind them running. Maomao, and Lyly came to the garden, as they promised the old man to.

Maomao saw a lot of weeds shining brightly. She saw it and, to out concern, she turned to a cat as she loves making medicine and poisoning herself. She goes to grab any and all kinds of weeds, going around with sparkle in her eyes.

Maomao was chuckling much and then, three persons shadow came infront of her, ready to kidnap her. One of them holding a passed out Lyly, and the other just holding ropes. She got nervous as she saw that there was no way out of this 'Could they be kidnappers? They even have Lyly passed out, which is a bit surprising' she thought, thinking about what the old man warned her and Lyly about. And then, the two was then kidnapped by the 3 mans.

Maomao looked tired, with Lyly laying his head on top of her shoulder, still passed out. "Aa, old man will worry about me" she said calmly yet clearly tired enough to be scared or so. The three man walked inside a palace with a basket that had 2 of them inside.


It was now the icy cold season, winter. It was snowing a bit.

[Do you guys like winter or hate winter? Why? You can answer this or you can just skip it]

Then, there was a different palace. Inside there was a purple haired woman giving birth to a kid, yelling out of pain. As the baby was out, she pants, tiredly "The Eastern Palace heir is born!" the man that was helping the woman said, slowly putting her head on the pillow. "Congratulations, Lady Lihua!" He said, smiling softly at the woman.

She was extremely tired, and then the another doctor that assisted her for birth walked up to her with her baby and showed Lady Lihua the baby that was born.

In another different place, a woman with pink hair and her servant[I think?] said "Her baby was delivered without issues" the servant gave information to the pink haired lady, another heir. She then looked at the servant with a baby in her hands, "I see. I'm glad" she said smiling


So, you guys like it? It's kind of my first time making it. And it is over 1400 words💀. I made this while watching the anime to see what the character was saying and all that. But I will try to make Lyly talk more, but it is kind of hard as it needs to go smoothly with the story. And, I guess I'll see you guys another time later? Bye :), I'm gonna watch the anime.

You're gay🏳️‍🌈

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