scenario 1 part 3

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Officer on ditchpatch: i repeat officer bradford has been shot i need immediately back up and a AR at my location!
L: show me and detective lopez responding! Lucy said worried.
A: luce you shouldn't go see that.
L: come on we are going no matter what ang!
A: ok lets go then
(At the scene)
Officer: we were here for a robbery and then we wanted to walk inside and then bradford got shot.
L: are the shooters still inside?
Officer: yes there are 2 shooters.
(The 2 shooters walked outside and angela and the other officer arrested the shooters as lucy ran to tim)
A: lucy stay calm the ambulance is almost here.
(Lucy started crying and then the ambulance showed up)
B: lucy what happend
L: tim got shot he has no pulse
B: can you give us some space to work lucy?
L: i am not leaving his side! Lucy said sad.
A: come on luce you can ride with him to the hospital.
(Lucy didn't respond but Angela grabbed lucy and took her away)
L: Angela let go of me! She said angry.
A: lucy you know that they only can do their work if they have enough space!
L: you're right sorry i just what if he-
A: dont think that he is strong he will fight for you luce.
L: yeah okay.
B: lucy do you wanna ride with us?
L: yes please!
A:  go i will meet you at the hospital
(With lucy in the ambulance)
L: come on tim you are strong you will get through this!
(Lucy took tims hand and tim woke up)
T: luce i love you. Tim whispered
L: i love you too tim.
B: hey tim its good you are awake but i need you to not speak.
T: okay.
(Lucy kissed tim on the head and they arrived at the hospital)
B: male dsw to the abdomen he is responsible and has a pulse.
Dr: okay we will get him to surgery.
A: he woke up? Angela asked lucy
L: yes he woke up he also said that he loves me.
A: thats so cute and i think tim will be okay!
L: yeah he will!
(Grey walked in because he heard what happend)
G: hey officer chen how is bradford doing?
L: hes doing good he woke up in the ambulance and the doctors took him to surgery!
G: okay thats good are you and lopez staying here because i have to get back to the station.
A: yes we will stay here sir!
G: okay let me know how hes doing!
L: we will sir.
(A couple hours went by and lucy was getting a bit worried)
L: what is taking them so long.
A: i dont know but i am sure he will be fine.
L: you dont know that!
A: i know because if something was really wrong they were here earlier!
L: yeah okay you have a point.
(A doctor walked inside the waiting room)
Dr: family of bradford?
L: thats us
Dr: whats your relation to the sir bradford?
L: i am his girlfriend and co-worker
Dr: okay he is completely fine and he will be discharged in 2 hours and hes in room 101 so you can visit him.
L: okay thank you so much!
A: you can go to tim alone if you want to.
L: no you are coming!
A: okayy!
(They went to tims room)
L: hey babe how are you feeling
T: i am feeling really good since you got here.
A: you guys are so clingy to each other.
T: sorry Angela but have you seen how you are with wesley
A: okay you mabye have a point.
(They all laughed)
L: i was so worried tim.
T: i am sorry.
L: its okay i am so glad you are okay!
Dr: hello sir you are discharged early so you are free to go when you sign the papers.
T: okay thanks!
(Tim signed the papers and they got to the station because lucy had to do paperwork and tim kept her company)
L: you know you can go home.
T: yeah but here i am with you at home i am not.
L: aw thats so cute!!
T: can i stay at your apartment again pretty pleasee!
L: yes ofcourse!
L: i have to put away this paperwork and then we can go!
T: okaay!
(Lucy walked away and tim walked after her and suddenly tim PROPOSED!)
T: lucy chen will you make me the happiest man on earth and marry me?
(Lucy started crying of joy)
L: Yes Yes I Will Marry You!
(Tim put the ring around lucy her finger and they kissed each other)
L: lets go home
T: Yes! Youre apartment or my house?
L: what do you want?
T: lets go to your apartment!
L: okayy!!

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