Chapter Three

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Nikolai sat at his desk, his eyes fixed intently on the computer screen in front of him. He was so engrossed in his work that he didn't even notice his twin sister, Irina, walking in until she cleared her throat to announce her presence.

"Nikolai, you need to take a break from work," Irina said, her piercing green eyes sparkling with amusement. "Stepmother has organized a gala, and you're required to attend. With a plus one, of course."

Nikolai's expression didn't change, but his mind was already racing with possibilities. He had someone in mind for the plus one - his Krasotka, Aurora. He had been planning to introduce her to the whole family soon, and this gala seemed like the perfect opportunity.

"Ah, yes, the gala," Nikolai said, his voice calm and collected. "I've already thought about who I'll be bringing. My Krasotka, Aurora. She's the one I've been...focusing on lately."

Irina raised an eyebrow, her eyes gleaming with curiosity. "And who is this Aurora? Someone special, I presume?"

Nikolai's gaze never wavered, his eyes fixed on some point beyond Irina's shoulder. "Very special, Irina. She's the one I plan to keep by my side for a long time."

Irina's eyes narrowed slightly, her mind racing with questions. She had never seen Nikolai like this before, so focused on someone. She wondered who this Aurora was, and what she had done to capture her brother's attention so thoroughly.

"Well, I'm sure Stepmother will be thrilled to meet her," Irina said, her voice dripping with sarcasm. "Especially if she's as special as you say she is."

Nikolai's gaze flicked to Irina, his eyes glinting with a warning. "Stepmother will behave herself, Irina. I'll make sure of it."

Irina raised her hands in a gesture of surrender. "Okay, okay. I just want to make sure everyone gets along."

Nikolai nodded, his mind already turning back to Aurora. He couldn't wait to see her again, to hold her in his arms and show her off to the world. He was convinced that she was the one, the woman who would finally bring him the happiness and stability he had been searching for.

"I'll be there at 7," Nikolai said, his voice distant.

Irina nodded and turned to leave, but not before she caught a glimpse of the look in Nikolai's eyes. It was a look she had never seen before, a look of pure obsession.


Aurora's apartment was her sanctuary, her haven from the world outside. She had spent hours making it cozy and comfortable, with plush cushions and soft blankets. As she poured milk for her cat, Mittens, and made herself a bowl of popcorn, she was looking forward to a night of binge-watching her favorite show.

But just as she was about to settle in, the doorbell rang. Aurora's heart skipped a beat as she hesitated, wondering who it could be. She didn't have any family or close friends, and she wasn't expecting anyone.

Reluctantly, she made her way to the door and opened it, her eyes widening in shock as she saw Nikolai standing in front of her. He was holding a bag in his hand and had a confident smile on his face, as if he owned the place.

"Hey, Aurora," he said, inviting himself in without waiting for permission. "I hope you're ready for a night out."

Aurora's eyes narrowed as she watched him scan her apartment, his eyes taking in every detail. She was about to say something, but Nikolai cut her off, handing her the bag.

"Get dressed, Aurora," he said, his voice firm but gentle. "We have a gala to attend tonight."

Aurora's mind raced as she took the bag, feeling a sense of unease wash over her. What was Nikolai's game, and why was she suddenly a part of it?

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