Chapter Six

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Aurora and Irina were lost in the music, dancing and laughing together, when Irina suddenly excused herself to get a drink. "I'll be right back, girl! Keep dancing!" she shouted over the music.

Aurora nodded and continued dancing, feeling carefree and alive. But as she spun around, she felt a strange hand circling her waist from behind. She gasped and turned to face a sturdy blonde guy, his eyes glassy from too much alcohol. He leaned in, slurring his words, "Hey, beautiful, wanna dance with me?"

Aurora tried to wriggle free, but his grip was too tight. She felt a surge of panic as he pulled her closer. That's when she saw Nikolai, his eyes blazing with fury as he strode towards them. He yanked the blonde guy away from her, his fist connecting with a sickening punch to the man's face.

"Get your filthy hands off her, you piece of shit!" Nikolai snarled, his voice low and menacing.

The blonde guy stumbled back, bleeding from his nose, as Nikolai towered over him. Aurora was stunned, her mind racing with questions. How did Nikolai find her? She had thought she was finally free from his grasp.

Nikolai's gaze snapped to Aurora, his eyes burning with possessiveness. "You think you can escape me, Aurora? You think you can just dance with another man and I won't notice?"

Aurora's heart raced as Nikolai's words dripped with venom. She knew she had to get out of there, fast. But as she turned to leave, Nikolai's grip closed around her arm like a vice.

"You're not going anywhere, Aurora. You're mine, and don't you forget it."

Aurora gave him the "what the heck is wrong with this guy" look, her eyes wide with exasperation. "Nikolai, what is your problem? Can't a girl even dance without you losing your mind?"

Nikolai's grip on her arm tightened, his fingers digging into her skin. "You're my problem, Aurora. You're the one who thinks she can just walk away from me, from us. Newsflash, baby: you're mine, and I won't let anyone else touch what's mine."

Aurora rolled her eyes, trying to shake off his grasp. "You're delusional, Nikolai. I'm not your property, and I can dance with whoever I want."

Nikolai's face twisted in a snarl, his eyes flashing with anger. "You're pushing your luck, Aurora. You think you're so smart, so independent, but you're just a foolish little girl playing with fire. And you're the one who's going to get burned."

The music and lights of the club faded into the background as Aurora and Nikolai locked into a fierce stare-down, the tension between them crackling like electricity. Irina, returning with a drink, took one look at the scene and hastily intervened.

"Hey, hey, let's not make a scene here! Nikolai, calm down, man!"

But Nikolai was beyond reason, his jealousy and possessiveness consuming him like a raging inferno. He yanked Aurora closer, his voice low and menacing.

"Stay away from this, Irina. This doesn't concern you. Aurora and I have unfinished business."

Aurora's heart raced as she realized she was trapped, caught in Nikolai's web of obsession and control. She knew she had to think fast, or risk getting consumed by his darkness forever.

Aurora's mind raced as she tried to defuse the situation. "Nikolai, please, let's just talk about this outside. We're causing a scene."

Nikolai's grip on her arm only tightened. "We'll talk about it, all right. We'll talk about how you're going to learn to obey me, to respect me."

Irina took a step back, her eyes wide with concern. "Nikolai, stop this. You're scaring her."

Nikolai's gaze never left Aurora's face. "Mind your damn business, Irina. This is between me and Aurora."

Aurora knew she had to think fast. She tried to wriggle free, but Nikolai's grip was too strong.

Nikolai's voice dropped to a whisper, his breath hot against her ear. "You're coming with me, Aurora. We have unfinished business."

Aurora knew she was running out of time. She had to think fast, or risk getting dragged into Nikolai's dark world forever.

She couldn't do anything, she couldn't escape him. He'll always find her, no matter where she went, no matter how hard she tried to hide. Nikolai's obsession was relentless, and Aurora was trapped in his sights.

The music and lights of the club faded into the background as Aurora felt a sense of hopelessness wash over her. She was trapped, and she knew it. Nikolai's grip on her arm was like a vice, and she couldn't break free.

"I'll always find you, Aurora," Nikolai whispered, his voice dripping with malice. "You'll never be able to escape me."

Aurora's heart raced as she realized the truth in his words. She was at Nikolai's mercy, and she had no way out.

Nikolai's grip on Aurora's arm remained tight as he pulled her through the crowded club, Irina following closely behind with a worried expression. Aurora's attempts to wriggle free were met with a stern glance from Nikolai, his eyes flashing with a possessive intensity.

As they reached the parking lot, Nikolai yanked open the door of his black Mustang and shoved Aurora inside. Irina's protests were ignored as Nikolai slid into the driver's seat, peeling out of the parking lot with a screech of tires.

"Where are we going?" Aurora asked, her voice laced with fear, but Nikolai remained silent, his eyes fixed on the road ahead.

Aurora's gaze drifted out the window, her mind racing with thoughts of escape. That's when she noticed two black cars trailing behind them, their headlights illuminating the dark night like sinister eyes. Nikolai's men, no doubt, tasked with ensuring she didn't escape his clutches.

The city lights blurred together as the Mustang sped through the night, Aurora's sense of unease growing with every passing mile. She was trapped, at the mercy of Nikolai's obsession, with no clear escape route in sight. The darkness outside seemed to closing in, suffocating her, as she wondered what lay ahead.

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