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After ending the call with Felix, Hyunjin couldn't stop smiling, the effect Felix have on him.

He have missed the younger so much. He have been trying to build up the courage to make the call since he got Felix's number, don't ask him how, he has his ways. Finally he was able to call him. When the call went through, he was very nervous thinking it was a bad idea to ring Felix but after hearing his voice, he knew he did the right thing.

He was surprised the young doctor didn't ask him how he obtained his number, he's so careless concerning his safety that it's seriously bugging Hyunjin.

He cared about Felix. He just couldn't deny it any longer. He's unaware to what extent his feelings went but he knew he cared about the younger more than he realised.

He have been dying to see Felix for the past month but he has been struggling with his feelings while fighting with denial, so he was unable to make up his mind and make the call but now that he'd done it, he couldn't be any prouder.

What's bothering him though was the Intel he received some weeks ago from his associates in the Investigation department, saying that their superior have sent two of their best Agents undercover to the lairs of The Velvet Serpents and Obsidian Vipers, so he has been trying to lay low especially after learning the Identity of the Agents on mission. Agent Lewis and Agent MSG is by no means any ordinary agent, he's very aware of how formidable they both are, so he has to be extra careful when going out tonight to see Felix.

He has done some of his own research, even though it was difficult for him to find anything, he managed to extract the information he was seeking which confirmed his suspicion.

Felix is the Head of the Velvet Serpents Lee Minho's brother. But the older isn't sure Felix is aware of his brother's dealings. He seems so righteous that it'd be weird if he knew that his brother is the Head of the Velvet Serpents one of the most notorious and dangerous Mafia Organization in South Korea.

Meanwhile in Felix's resident. After Felix got off the phone, he still couldn't stop blushing. He didn't expect Hyunjin to be so blunt with his words.

He abandoned the dish he was going to make and ran upstairs to his bedroom, picked up his phone to dial Jeogin's numbers.

He's so happy and he feels the need to share his happiness with someone, who else is the best option if not the Resident Doctor.
Jeogin picked up on the first ring.

"Hello, Felix?" The younger called out.

"The one and only". Felix answered.

"This one you're calling, hope all's good". Jeogin asked worriedly.

"What do you mean, am I not allowed to call my best friend anymore".

"You don't call me, like never, unless it's an emergency". The younger Admonished.

"C'mon Jeogin, stop sulking, you live like two streets away, I'd rather walk there instead of calling, except if it's an emergency like you mentioned". Says Felix justifying himself.

"I'm not sulking. I've heard you. Anyway what's the reason for your call,if it's not an emergency". The resident doctor inquired.

"I called you 'cause of Hyunjin". The older relayed smiling widely. Just the mention Hyunjin's name is to gather dozens of butterflies in his stomach.

"I'm not surprised, it seems that's another reason you call me recently. What's up this time, you look so happy". Jeogin said not failing to note the happiness in Felix's tone.

"That's because I'm happy". Felix muttered smiling uncontrollably.

"And why's that". Jeogin eagerly asked.

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