Annabeth - Home Again

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{Chapter 25 - 58 of Blood of Olympus}

I had been staring at the door to Percy's room for the past fifteen minutes before I finally worked up the courage to go inside. I hadn't been in here since everything and it felt like walking into a tomb. His room was the same as everyone else's other than his clothes, weapons and armour thrown all around the room without any rhyme or reason and a set of 4 matching photo frames that Percy has kept in his room in the Poseidon cabin since he started living at camp permanently when he was 14.

I sat down on his bed and looked at the frames that had been Percy's prized possession for the past three years. The frames were massive, about a foot tall and six inches deep and I knew for a fact that they all held quite a few photos, most of them almost overflowing.

The one on the far left held photos of just me and him, most of which were from the small amount of time between the end of the titan war and when Hera took him to the Wolf House. This one was the least full though it was the one that he seemed to update the most.

The one next to it held photos of all our friends at camp half blood. Most of them you couldn't see, but if you opened the frame you'd find at least 50 varying between The Stoll Brothers cackling as they set off a glitter bomb in Percy's room but he didn't care because it was blue glitter, all the way to Percy and Clarisse mid argument, bickering across the Big Houses ping pong table in the middle of a head counsellor meeting all the while you could see Will, Thalia and I laughing in the background.

The next frame held photos from Percy's childhood before he found out he was a demigod, like photos of his mum and memories that he had growing up with the Waynes. I found him with that one open a lot after he ran away for the final time, he used to scatter the photos all over his bed and stay up late looking at them. And whenever I asked him about a photo he would always tell me the story behind it, and unlike with Greek mythology he remembered every story.

Though the frame on the far right was by far the fullest. It was packed to almost breaking point with newspaper clippings from anything involving the Waynes dating as far back as Percy's first few days at camp, though he was keeping them in his sock drawer back then.

When we went to get Percy, Hazel and Frank from New Rome, I thought I'd bring them for him and I added a few more of the newspaper clippings myself from while he was away, one of which was Percy's older brother Jason coming back to life. Somehow? He almost started crying when he saw it, in fact, he almost hijacked the Argo 2 and flew it to Gotham though I managed to talk him out of it. I promised him that when this was all over we would go to Gotham and see his family.

One more thing that Percy will never get to do now.

Then, without realising what was happening, I started crying. I felt myself shaking and shaking and shak– wait. That wasn't me shaking was it. The ship was shaking.

That was when I heard it.

The wind was roaring, and I heard rather than saw the hammering rain banging against the hull of the boat and I could hear Leo yelling from the top deck.

I ran out of the room, only glancing back for a second at the picture frames, before I ran up the stairs and onto the chaos of the top deck.

Leo was just barely keeping us steady while Jason and Piper were clinging to the edge of the ship and Hazel was looking even more sea sick than usual. Frank was stumbling up the stairs behind me and through the rain I saw Piper yelling at Jason, when they both nodded and Jason and Piper locked hands and jumped overboard.


Frank and Hazel had recounted their adventures on Delos the day before, and I only just got out of it without laughing. Leo got the daisy by making Apollo believe that there was an instrument he didn't know how to play, and that resulted in him trading said instrument for the final ingredient of the physician's cure. Classic Leo.

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