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"Hey.... You are Peter Pevensie, right? "

"Umm... Yeah. Yeah! That's me" it clearly ringed to Peter that the girl sitting in front of him was no one other than Quin . Obviously, he knows her. Literally everyone knows her. But how can he verb forget her. She was the reason Peter had to ask his hands off from his favourite sport and life interest ever. Quidditich.

"Quin, Quim Tendison " he pulled out her hand and gave it to Peter for him to shake. Like a gentleman he took it and Greatfully returned the gesture. He was very, very clear that she don't remember him that's why she came to him like that and introduced herself. Her poor memory. After all, there is more things going on in her life. Her busy youtubing life included.

"umm, how do you know me? " Peter asked as Quin settled herself in front of him

"My ways. Anyways, I have heard that you are quite popular here. Everyone adores you, especially girls" she answered causally. Peter had to admit that she liked the girl's personality. She wasn't trying to hit him like others

"I must admit, I quite like you " he confessed his thoughts with voice by mistake. Oops.

Qui mouthed a 'O' as Peter immediately regretted and gets what he said and started apologising as he turns a shade of red.

"I mean, I am sorry. I was just saying that you know-. I-I meant that I like your personality. That you are not hitting on me like other girls " he shuttered as he opened another secret. His lips turning into a thick line as he realises that he was messing up again. Clearly, stupiditly.

Quin couldn't help but laugh at the foolishness of the guy

"I know what you meant Peter, no need to apologise or worry. You are on a clear spot" she assured him politely.

After a minute or two of silence, Peter finally collected some courage and started

"Don't take it in a wrong manner Quin but care joining us for Lunch? " Qyin diverted her eyes to her friends starring at her in curiosity as she looked back at Peter

"My apology but my dinner is booked with my friends " she shrugged

"Alright than. Maybe tomorrow morning? "

"Sure, I would love to"

He nodded as Qyin stood up to walk back to her friends but was stopped by Peter as he spoke again

"By the way Quin. Do you want to go to the common room together? "

"Alright! Tell me when you leave"

"Great... Bye"


"Can't believe that your Girlfriend is talking to your brother, Edmund! Also can't believe that she is cheating on you " On the other hand, Edmund and so called friends were busy starring at the second boy Quin was talking shamelessly to. That was no one other than his own brother

"Sorry Marcus that you had it see this. But i am pretty sure that she can't be yours because she is already someone else's" Pansy dramatically wiped the fake tears from her cheeks

"Did you notice something, both the Slytherin boys here are dying for her but on the other hand. She is interested in there brothers. Not them. It was Louis, Marcus's brother in the morning and now it's Peter, Edmund's brother " Malfoy told Pansy excitedly

"But she is also somehow right Malfoy. This is known as having good tastes. You must accept that there brothers are way good looking than them" she replied pointing to the love sick boys but still not diverting her eyes from Malfoy

"Yea.... But Peter is way more attractive than Louis "

"And he is also way more attractive than edmund "

The boys who were silently sitting there listening to the conversations of them or you can easily say, listening silently to their insults from there own friends but still wasn't leaving Quin. They did hope that she knew they exited but not there brother

There they were, talking about Peter just as Quin wasn't even in there range to talk quietly and peacefully

"Did Peter Pevensie just talked to you? " Virginia screamed just as Quin returned.

"Yessssss" Quin shrugged proudly

"Shut up! Shut.... Up" Ginny gasped in shock

"I didn't said anything "

"It's been years since we have been trying catch his attention and you did it in a second.... Congratulations " Virginia chirped

" Leave that.... And tell us what happened "

Quin totally zoned out, not noticing her surroundings just as she continued to talk about excitedly about Peter and how he shuttered and turned red while talking to her and offered whether she wanted to sit with him and his friends tomorrow morning and wanted to go out of the Great hall together

"I swear, he invited you to sit with his friends tomorrow but soon he will invite you to sit with him, alone... " Virginia whispered as she leaned closer to her. Her arms resting peacefully on the table

"Oh my god, you mean like a date? " Ginny excitedly asked and she shook Virginia's shoulder in excitement

"Omg, no! No way I am going to date him"

"What! Why? " Ginny stopped and settled down back to her seat, disappointed

"Come on guys, he is like 2 years older than me"

"2 years don't matter. It really is common. I have 3 students from 7 years and 1 from 6 year other than that my parents have a age gap of 4 years. Don't tell me that your parents aren't have the same? "

"Yeah... They do! But I don't like him in that way.... You know! "

"Come on" Virginia and Ginny winced.

But on the other hand, Georgia seemed to dozed off the conversation as she was eying something behind her like she was starring at someone or you can say was noticing someone and his or her' actions briefly in order to make a sense of those but no on seemed to notice her cringe position and frowned face.

"Is this only me or Edmund Pevensie is really starring at our table and non other than Quin? "  she asked still not leaving her position

They all looked at the so called guy who was still unknown to Wyim.

"Hell. He really is starring right at her"

"Who are you talking about? "

"Pevensie! Quin, Pevensie! The pevensie brother no. 2. The one we were talking about. Seez the one who is starring right at you " they pointed to the guy who was shamelesslt starring at her.

She also didn't knew him

"I can't believe it. The two pevensie brothers who never give attention to anyone are somehow interested in Quin and her lifestyle. One is talking to her and inviting her for breakfast and walk and all while the other is starring at her with jealousy in his eyes"

"I don't see jealousy anywhere in his eyes "

But it was true, and Quin herself knew it. He was jealous. The guy who had been unknown to her since the start is somehow interested in her life

"But didn't you just siad that he is a type of flirt "

"Yeah but we assure you Quin, he never stares at someone with passion in his eyes. Specially in front of others and very specially in front of the whole great hall and very-very specially in front of his brother " I nodded at the information.

"Quin! We are going "

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