The forest

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Mario and meggy decide to explore the forest surrounding the showgrounds first.

[Meggy]: So why'd you ask me to help?
[Mario]: No one else would help Mario :(
[Meggy]: Alright then.

They search the forest

[Meggy]: Is this it?
[Mario]: No
[Meggy]: Is this it?
[Mario]: No
[Meggy]: Is this it?
[Mario]: No
[Meggy]: Is this it?
[Mario]: No
[Meggy]: Is this it?
[Mario]: No
[Meggy]: All these rocks look the same!
[Mario]: My rock has a hat and moustache
[Meggy]: Okay, glad to know.

They stumble across a wise tree

[Tree]: Hello, mortals. I am the wise tree
[Meggy]: I thought this meme died
[Tree]: I suppose you're looking for this rock?

The tree would have mario's pet rock appear in the air, floating.

[Tree]: If you want it.. You must face multiple challenges, including mario's tunnel of doom-

Mario snatches the rock.

[Mario]: Yahoo! Let's GOOOOOOOO
[Meggy]: Wow we did it!

Mario cuts the tree down. The End!

Mario And Meggy Try To Find A RockWhere stories live. Discover now