Part- 20

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(Y/n bursts into the living room, a whirlwind of emotion. She throws herself into her mother's arms, tears streaming down her face.)

Surili (teasingly, in their local language): Two and a half days in Mumbai and you're already crying like a baby? What happened, sweetheart? Did someone steal your samosas?

(Y/n clings to her mother, unable to speak through her sobs.)

(Hema enters the room just then, her earlier suspicions resurfacing at the sight of her distraught sister. However, with Y/n's parents present, this isn't the time to pry.)

Hema (to herself): We'll talk later, Y/n. Now's not the time.

(Y/n finally manages to calm down, wiping her tears.)

Y/n: (voice choked) Are you guys okay? Did Digvijaya bother you at all?

Surili: (shaking her head) No, beta. We haven't heard anything about him after you both break up. Don't worry, he wouldn't dare come near us.

(Just then, a notification chimes on Y/n's phone. She unlocks it and a frown creases her forehead as she reads the message.)

Y/n: (furious, standing up abruptly) School reunion? Suddenly...? Tomorrow?

(She knows what this means. Digvijaya will be there, and everyone expects them to be a couple. Panic sets in.)

(Hema notices the sudden shift in Y/n's mood and places a comforting hand on her shoulder.)

Hema: Y/n, what is it? What's on your phone?

Surili: (concerned) What happened, sweetheart?

Y/n: (avoiding their gazes) It's nothing. Just... a school reunion. And I think I'd rather not go.

(Just then, Jungkook walks down the stairs, his eyes falling on Y/n.)

Jungkook: Reunion party tomorrow, Y/n? You excited? Can I come with you...?!

(Y/n spins around, startled to see him. Her parents look at her questioningly.)

Y/n: of course not...!!! Even if I go to there I'm not taking you there...jungkook shii it's risky...

Y/n's Parents: (to Y/n) Is he your boss, beta?

(Without a word, Jungkook bends down and touches their feet, surprising everyone.)

Y/n (to herself): Thank you, Jungkook-shii...

(Her parents are visibly impressed by this gesture. Respecting their culture goes a long way, even if it's a little awkward.)

Surili: (to Jungkook, in Hindi) Bhagwan kare aap humesha khush raho. (May God bless you and keep you happy.)

Hema: (translating) They're saying "God bless you, stay happy."

(Jungkook smiles warmly, a slight language barrier easily overcome by genuine good manners.)

Y/n: well you all talk...I'm leaving...and mom dad you'll going to stay here right...?

(Surili and heman looked at each other.)

Aise Mujhe Tum Mile 🌹 < JUNGKOOK FFWhere stories live. Discover now