"My Lady!" Marigold fled into Alaida's room, not even sparing a knock. "You have a new tiara!"

"Oh!" Alaida's face flushed, quickly stopping what she was doing. She had been imitating the dance she watched ever since she went to Printemps Village with Marceline. "A new tiara?"

"Yes!" she carried a red cushion lined in gold with a flower themed cloth over it. Bowing before Alaida, she presented it in front of her. "Here you go."

Hesitantly, Alaida lifted the cloth. Resting on top of the cushion, laid a rose-golden tiara with vine-shaped wires that were covered in glittering metal pink and white butterflies along with pearls and flowers.

Alaida gasped in delight, her fingers hovering over the delicate tiara as if afraid to touch it. "Marigold, it's exquisite!" She reached out slowly, her fingertips grazing the intricate details of the butterfly-adorned tiara. "Where did this come from?!"

Marigold beamed proudly. "It's a gift from the Prince of Aquatica. He wanted to express his gratitude for your assistance in resolving the border dispute with the neighboring realm."

Alaida furrowed her brows. "Sorry?"

Marigold nodded enthusiastically. "Your wisdom and guidance were invaluable, My Lady! The Prince was most impressed and insisted on expressing his gratitude in a tangible manner."

"You must be mistaken, I never..."

"No need to be humble, My Lady!" she laughed, waving her hand in front of her face. "Come on, you must try it on!"

With practiced hands, Marigold carefully placed the tiara upon Alaida's head, adjusting it until it sat perfectly amidst her hair. As she stepped back to admire her handiwork, Alaida caught her reflection in the mirror and couldn't help but smile at the sight.

"Thank you, Marigold," she said softly, her eyes shimmering with gratitude.

Marigold curtsied gracefully. "It is my honor and privilege to serve you, My Lady."

"You may leave." Alaida dismissed her as she faced herself in the mirror. 

The Kingdom neighboring Aquatica besides Astra was Aetheria. They were never at any sort of war. Aetheria was known for being isolationists. But what would Matias get out of lying?

Alaida's mind spun with questions as she gazed at her reflection, the tiara sparkling atop her head like a crown of stars. Matias was known for his diplomacy and tact. He wouldn't offer such a gift without reason, yet Alaida couldn't fathom why he would fabricate a story about her involvement in a border dispute.

Her thoughts drifted to the enigmatic realm of Aetheria. Despite their isolationist tendencies, they held considerable sway in the region due to their vast resources and ancient magic. Could there be some hidden agenda at play, one that involved both Aquatica and Aetheria?

As she pondered, a knock on the door interrupted her thoughts. "Enter," she called out, adjusting the tiara nervously.

The door creaked open, revealing Naraina. "My Lady, forgive me for intruding, but I just received urgent news from our spies."

Alaida turned to face Naraina, her heart pounding. "What news?"

"It seems there's unrest brewing in Aquatica," Naraina replied, her brow furrowed with concern. "I'm going to be deployed soon."

"What?!" Alaida gaped. "You can't do that! Life at Aquatica is underwater, you'll drown!"

Stifling a laugh, Naraina waved her hand. "Aquatica is divided into two parts. Underwater and on land. Prince Matias is merely one of those in the Underwater Kingdom. But don't worry, I'm settling this at the battle rink in Aetheria."

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