Alaida hurried out of the forest, her hair sticking to her face from the heat as she opened the gate to the garden and walked through.

She stopped fresh in her tracks as Naraina stood a few feet from her, arms crossed.

"Raina!" Alaida said casually, trying to play it off as she came forward. "You're back! How did it go?"

"Would you like to tell me why you were in the forest?"

Alaida swallowed. She could feel her heart pounding in her chest, each beat louder than the last. "The forest? I was just... taking a walk," she said, attempting a smile that she hoped looked convincing.

Naraina's expression remained stern, her eyes piercing through Alaida's flimsy excuse. "Taking a walk? In the middle of the day? You know the rules, Alaida. The forest is off-limits, especially for someone like you."

Alaida fidgeted with her hands, looking down at her feet. "I needed some fresh air. The palace feels so suffocating sometimes."

Naraina took a step closer, her voice only getting more stern. "My Lady, I know it's hard being cooped up inside, but you have responsibilities, and you can't just ignore the rules. What if something happened to you?"

Alaida looked up, her eyes pleading. "Raina, you don't understand. Out there, I can be free. I can be myself. Just for a little while."

Naraina glared daggers through Alaida's skull. "Who were you with? I know you weren't alone."

Alaida's heart sank. She had hoped Naraina wouldn't ask that question. "It's... no one important."

"How long have you been sneaking out without my knowledge?! Your father will be furious if he finds out!" Naraina snapped. "You know no one outside of here is to be trusted!"

"I've been leaving since I was nine, if someone out there was dangerous, I would've been killed by now!" Alaida fired back.

Naraina's facial expression dropped. She always looked cold, but the look she was giving Alaida right now made her want to crawl into a hole and disappear. "..what?"

"I—" Alaida stammered, playing with her hair nervously as her gaze darted away. "I'm sorry. I'm not sure what got into me."

Naraina's eyes softened slightly, a mix of concern and disappointment washing over her features. "My Lady, you have to understand how dangerous this is. If anything happened to you, it would be on my head. Your safety is my responsibility."

Alaida bit her lip, feeling the weight of her actions pressing down on her. "I know, Raina. I didn't mean to worry you. I just... I need to feel alive sometimes."

Naraina sighed, running a hand through her silver hair. "I understand that, but there are other ways. We can find safer ways for you to feel free."

Alaida nodded reluctantly, not exactly planning on just abandoning Marceline. But Naraina didn't need to know that.

Naraina stepped forward and gently placed a hand on Alaida's back, guiding her towards a bench in the garden. "Sit down with me for a moment."

As Alaida sat, she noticed the weariness in Naraina's eyes. It was clear that this conversation was weighing heavily on her too. Naraina took a deep breath before speaking again. "My Lady, I care about you. That's why I'm so strict. It's not because I want to control you, but because I want to protect you."

Alaida looked up, her eyes meeting Naraina's. "I know, Raina. And I'm grateful for everything you do."

"So surely you'll understand why I have to do this."

"What? Raina, what are you—" Alaida furrowed her brows as Naraina knelt down onto her knees.

In a swift, brutal motion, Naraina grabbed Alaida's leg and twisted. The sickening sound of bone snapping echoed through the palace gardens, followed by Alaida's agonized scream. Naraina stood up, her expression unreadable as Alaida writhed in pain on the ground.

"This is for your own good," Naraina said quietly, almost as if trying to comfort herself more than Alaida. "You'll thank me someday."

"Gods!" Alaida screamed, holding her bruised knee that made her want to retch. "Why would you—?!"

"Shhh," Naraina hummed, hugging Alaida to her chest and running her fingers through her hair. "You took a big fall, didn't you? Let's get you inside."

Naraina's actions left Alaida breathless and in agony, the pain radiating from her leg like a wildfire. The initial shock and horror gave way to a burning sense of betrayal as she lay there, unable to comprehend the cruelty of someone she had trusted for so long.

"Let go of me!" Alaida shrieked, her voice raw with pain and anger. She tried to push Naraina away, but the searing pain in her leg made it impossible to muster any strength.

Naraina's grip tightened, her voice soothing but her words chilling. "It's for your safety, Alaida. I can't let you keep endangering yourself. You need to understand the consequences of your actions."

Alaida's vision blurred with tears. "You broke my leg! How could you—"

"Because I had to," Naraina interrupted, her tone firm and unyielding. "If you won't listen to reason, then maybe pain will teach you caution."

"I trusted you." Alaida seethed.

Two guards, alerted by the commotion, rushed into the garden. They stopped dead in their tracks, their faces pale with shock as they took in the scene.

"Help the Lady Alaida," Naraina commanded, her voice cold. "She's had an unfortunate accident. Take her to her chambers and call for a healer."

The guards hesitated, their eyes darting between Alaida's tear-streaked face and Naraina's stern expression. "Now!" Naraina barked, snapping them into action. They gently lifted Alaida, careful not to jostle her injured leg.

Naraina watched them go, her face a mask of icy resolve. As they carried her towards the palace, Alaida looked over her shoulder at Naraina, her heart aching more than her leg.

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