Ch - 3 ° A Side Never Seen

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It was quite an early morning. It was dark and quiet outside. Everything was quiet and lonely, everyone was sleeping except Aoi and Kanao. Aoi was busy handling the Mansion while Kanao got to training.

Shinobu woke up at the same time with a throbbing headache. Her eyes felt heavy but she had to get up. She had to pay the price for drinking too much after all. It took her some time to get out of bed and get ready to help the girls.

After that night, something had changed between them. After recollecting the  memories of that day, Shinobu completely regretted what she had said to him. She knew she shouldn't have spoken like that. She didn't know a bit about his past.

But it did make her wonder where she had gone wrong to make him upset. Was it past trauma?

She only wanted to be friends. He was actually a nice guy in her eyes. She enjoyed his company rather than a noisy chit-chat. She appreciated how he didn't ignore her like the others.

'I'll apologize to him before his examination.' Shinobu thought as she got ready to go back to work.

After putting on her uniform, she headed downstairs. With a few greetings from the patients, she went to Giyuu's ward only to see an empty room. His stuff was gone, the bed sheets neatly folded and his hospital dress in the laundry basket.

'Was he really that upset? Was I that rude that night?' Shinobu panicked.

She went back to the kitchen to find Aoi to inquire about his departure.

'Aoi, did Tomioka-san leave?' Shinobu asked Aoi, who was preparing breakfast.

'Yes, he had gotten a mission at night.  Many lower ranked slayers were injured so he was requested to immediately attend to it. Since it was an emergency, he had to leave. His crow had informed me.' Aoi explained.

'Oh that explains it.' Shinobu said with a sigh of relief.

'Was there anything you wanted to say to him?' Aoi asked upon seeing the reaction on her face.

'No, no. He is yet to heal and he has already left for a mission. I was just worried he had left without a word.' Shinobu lied with complete a smile on her face.

'Alright, if you say so.' Aoi replied.

'The sun has just risen. His mission should be complete. Thank god, he didn't leave because he was upset with me.' She smiled with relief.

Some time had passed. The patients had woken up and the estate was full of noise. Everyone was back to work.

Shinobu was back to her laboratory, back to testing poison. She was in fact researching for the perfect concentration of poison for killing a demon. She had to keep progressing.

In order to kill the demon who had taken away her dear sister, she had to find the perfect poison or sacrifice her life for it. Her work was, however, interrupted by her crow, En.

'Caw! Caw! Reminder! Report to Ubayashiki Estate for Hashira meeting! Report to Ubayashiki Estate for Hashira Meeting!' The crow's high pitched voice echoed through the entire room.

'I completely forgot about this. This is a great chance to apologize to Tomioka-san.' Shinobu smiled and petted her crow.

She put on her haori, sheathed her sword and went downstairs.

'Aoi! I'm leaving for the Hashira meeting. Take care of yourself and others in my absence.'

'Oh, I was about to remind you about the meeting. See you later, Shinobu-sama' Aoi escorted her till the exit.

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