The Serum

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It was a quiet night as people around New York prepared to go to sleep. The streets were empty with a few people coming out of a department store. Two teens walked down the sidewalk until one of them bumped into a man with a hood on.

Teen 1: "S-Sorry about that."

???: "No problem kid."

The hooded man continued to walk until he arrived at the more secluded part of the city and behind that area is a dense forest with tall trees. He grabbed a paper from his pocket and saw that he was in the right place.

The man looked around finding no people in the area. He approached the door of an abandoned laboratory and found that it was locked. He walked around and tried to open the windows but it was also locked.

He sighed and saw a brick on the ground. He contemplated but didn't go with it. Instead, he grabbed his knife and fiddled with the doorknob. With a couple of twists and turns the backdoor opened. He walked inside and closed the door behind him.

The man took off his hood to reveal blonde hair and blue eyes. He had a little stubble around his chin and jawline. This man is Y/n Reynolds.

Nothing much can be said about this man. A full-fledged Colonel in the military, retired from service but found out his wife cheated on him while he was away. After the incident, his world came spiraling down. That's when a friend who works in the criminal Underworld gave him a job.

Y/n was known for his combat and infiltration abilities in the military. He is good at both on the field and sneaking inside the enemies base with ease. He was tasked to steal something from an abandoned lab and if he succeeds, he'll get paid a big sum.

Y/n: "Now to find that damn serum and get out of here. This place gives me the creeps."

He looked around the abandoned lab and was taken aback by how dirty and dusty it is. He passed by a glass cabinet and finally found what he was seeking. A test tube with golden liquid inside it.

Y/n: "Found you."

He opened the cabinet but found that this too has a lock. He just broke the glass with his fists and grabbed the serum before putting a cork on the opened mouth. He then bolted out of there and headed straight to his motorcycle parked in a nearby alleyway.

He drove towards the dense forest nearby and set up camp for now. He sat by the campfire staring at the serum in his hand. He camped deep in the forest probably miles away from the lab where he stole the serum from.

Y/n: "Golden Sentry Serum huh? They told me that it's an improved version of the Super Soldier Serum. Why would my client need this anyway?"

He then felt the urge to drink it. Without thinking straight, he downed the serum when his body suddenly started to heat up. He dropped to the ground feeling his every muscle and bones breaking and reforming again.

His blood boiled from the intense heat as his veins bulged from the pain. His eyes started to glow golden until he burst into a shining golden light until....


An explosion of pure energy occurred as the sound could be heard from miles away.

-Avengers Tower-

Inside the home base of the heroes who saved Earth from an invasion sat the genius billionaire playboy as he is watching a show on his large TV. He was just relaxing after improving his suit when the alarms blared.

"High Energy Readings Detected"

The words flashed on the TV as he sat up in surprise. He then heard the doors open to reveal two blondes. Steve Rogers and Carol Danvers who are wearing their suit came running.

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