Chapter 2: was it a dream or a reality..?

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Boboiboy is not mine! It is originated and created by monsta/animonsta studios. I do not own any of the characters!!

Ying : can you finally accepts that boboiboy is now your friend and stop acting like rivals?! You two always laugh at Gopal whenever he's
Really stupid and funny!!

Boboiboy friends noticed that boboiboy was smiling, but a different kind of smile. It's like, a sad smile.

Gopal : dey! We are your friends! What actually happened?!

Boboiboy : eh? Oh! Nothing! I swear!
Fang : he's probably jealous of my popularity-OW!!

*ying smacked fang, again. *

Ying : stop it you alien!

Boboiboy chuckled a little bit before the bell rings. After school (Papa Zola(forgot his name) has put out 15 pages of homework(it's the Y's fault) 😔) boboiboy returns home and lay down on his bed.

Ochobot : tiring day huh? Which one is more tiring, at tapops or, in earth?

Boboiboy : *yawns* both..

Ochobot : go to sleep, you're too tired.

Boboiboy : yeah.. Wait what time is it?

Ochobot : 12.28 PM.

boboiboy quickly jump out of his bed and starts running to the bathroom.

Boboiboy : waaaah!! I forgot to do pray!!

Ochobot : Ish this kid is forgetful sometimes

After pray, boboiboy went to take a nap. But he dreamed something strange instead of normal dreams(ik dreams are strange but this one isn't those like— flying or something dream).

In dream (mindspace)

(Ignore the big space there😃) boboiboy found himself in a dark-pitch-black void filled with nothingness. He tried to move and then his foot touch the floor(wait didn't I say there's nothing? Alr just say it's like a box but really big. ) . After he senses the floor, in front of him, there was his doppelganger. That doppelganger didn't attack him or something, it's just hugged him. Boboiboy feels warm and loved. Then boboiboy hugs his doppelganger back and close his eyes to prevent tears. (Boys don't cry. Girls are the one who should be screami–) but when boboiboy closed his eyes, his elements(in my au boboiboy element have like those power souls or energy souls or smth like that) hug boboiboy too.

And then..

Dayum, that was a big one. Not to mention that dream. It's just soo.. How do I say it? Ermm... Hard to write. I guess I can't also write what was on my head too.

405 words.

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