Chapter 2 - Start

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I walked down to the bus stop, waiting for the bus to show up and take us to school. I was so nervous for the first day of school. Today was the day that they separated into groups, after being separated into categories.

Ugh, I could not be more scared.

It also didn't help that I was the only one that was at the bus stop since my parents had to head to work, and I had absolutely nothing to do. So I just ate breakfast, and got my shit together to come down, and wait for the bus like a nervous wreck.

Great plan Mitch.

I was startled when I felt a hand tap me on the shoulder, and  I turned around to be met with a short blond girl, who was wearing one of the coolest, funky-est outfits I have ever seen.

She glanced nervously at me, and motioned me to come closer. I bent over, and she whispered into my ear, "This is the bus that goes to North America High School?"

Well, now I've at least met one other freshman, because she obviously had no idea what she was doing here. "You would be at the right place."

She gave me a bright smile, and sat down next to me at the bus stop in silence. Over the next 20 minutes kids were starting to add to our little start of people, and eventually the bus came and made a stop.

I, naturally, was the first one onto the bus, and immediately took out my book, and started re-reading it. It was all about the different programs, and classes you can take at the school. The bus door had just started to move forward when the bus driver slammed into the brakes. I barely had time to put my hands out in front of my before I hit the seat in front of me. All the students looked around questionably, until the bus driver re-opened the doors to the bus.

A super tall, blonde haired boy walked into the bus with a soft, "Thank you." To the bus driver. He started heading to the back of the bus, and that's when at realized that the only seat left open in the entire bus was the one right next to me.


I mean, no offense to this guy, who is gorgeous by the way, but I'm just not a social person. My body turns into about 98% nerves when people other than my family start talking to me. Let alone all these new people. 

I mean as far as that girl earlier...

That didn't bother me. Why?

Because she was asking for information, not about the person that is...

Well, me.

I looked down at my lap as Blondie approached, and went back to looking like I was reading my book. Was I? 

Hell no.

I was to nervous, and anxious to be reading, I mean especially  now that I knew I was actually going to have someone sitting next to me the entire bus ride. He finally plopped down, and I could tell he was staring at me.

I saw him lean over, and catch a glimpse of my book, smiling. Well at least I knew he wasn't a dumbass. "Hey I know you might not want to tall to me, but I can tell you're not reading that book?"

I stared at him in shock.

"I-I was just a-a little n-nervous, a-and I d-don't talk very often..." I stated, getting quieter and quieter until I was almost inaudible. He gave me a simpethetic look  and I immediately looked away.

I hated it when people did that.

I'm not mental, I'm not slow, I'm just shy.

"Look, if you have a stuttering issue, that's cool, just write it down if you want to talk."

My blood boiled, "I don't have a stuttering problem idiot, I just have a lot on my mind, because unlike you, my parents care what category I get placed in." I spit through my teeth.

He gave me a look of shock, and a small, "Sorry."

Great now I just insulted one of the people that will probably turn out to be this popular dude. Fucking great. Just fucking great.

This day just couldn't get any better now could it.

As we arrived, and I looked at the school, and the amount of people there, I realized...

Nope, no it could not.

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