Jail bird

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An: i laghed so hard when I red this request! Of course ill wright this because im a bit of a stoner lol so grab some junk food and enjoy!
You just wanted to have fun with your friend Remona. That's what this night was supposed to be fun! Just you and your best friend smoking some devils lettuce after a stressful week. But nether one of you expected your friends got busted speeding an the way back to your place after going to your weed dealer. The blue and red lights flashed as you and Romona got out of the car like the officer told you as he checked the car. And of corse he found your weed in the car.
Both of you were loaded in to the police car and tooken to the police station. You both got your mug shots tooken and you got to make your one phone call so you called the only person you knew would probably be up this late at night, hopefully your saving grace Spencer.
The phone rang. "Hello?" Spencer awnsers "hey Spence can I ask you something and you can't laugh." "I can't promise I won't but yeah sure." "can you come and pick me and Ro up from the police station?" You hear laughing on the other end of the line. "Im not joking Spencer!" "Okay, okay! I'll be there soon, and in case I can't get you out make sure you assert dominance first." He laughs out the last part and hangs up.
It took Spencer about 15 minutes to get to the station.He stopped by the front desk and was handed what looks like a piece of paper. since it was your first offense you and Remona just were able to leave with Spencer. Once you were out the cell you ran up and hugged Spencer and kissed his cheek. "Your awesome!" "Oh I know jail bird." Spencer said with a smirk. Remona said her goodbyes and left in her car.
"and also..." Spencer says holding up the paper he was handed at the front desk. "This is getting framed." You looked at the paper and it was your mugshot. Your jaw dropped. "Spencer Charnas no your not!" You say trying to snach it out of his hand, he raised it around your reach."nope this is my payment for getting you." You sigh "whatever!" "And plus you look hot in this mugshot." Spencer smirks softly kissing you.

An: idk if this is how jail and stuff work lol

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