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as a part welsh person, i just needed to make him!

enjoy morgan.. aka the person not from here. no literally, not from us and born not in any nearby years

uhhmm. anyways enjoy <3

morgan aesthetic

If you asked anyone about the last name Fflur-Maddock, they would start rambling on about the history they were told at school, yet they never expected for Morgan to be one

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If you asked anyone about the last name Fflur-Maddock, they would start rambling on about the history they were told at school, yet they never expected for Morgan to be one. It was why he never released any information other than Morgan, and if they really wanted one it would become a glare and he would not say anything else.

It was like that when he got to Maine. He had to go to Maine, his uncle recommended it. His uncle was a pretty chill guy, took care of him since the incident... Morgan doesn't like to think of that, he never really did think of it. His uncle, Arwyn, understood his distaste for school. The last time he went to school he blew up his history class.

Morgan was standing in front of the teacher, Miss Got chalk or something like that. Morgan never took notes of names unless he really cared. "Welcome to Westover Hall, Mr. Morgan." She made it painfully awkward as she dragged on the Mister bit, Morgan's eye twitched as he listened to her awful voice.

Morgan nodded as he nearly started screaming at her, she stood up and Morgan follow her into a classroom, "This is Morgan." She said before she left him in a room of teenagers.

He sat down next to a very eager looking blonde haired boy who seemed to want to be friends with him. "Morgan right? Names Angus." Morgan was pretty surprised at his Scottish accent, but at least they could suffer together.

"Yes, my name is Morgan.. Morgan Fflur-Maddock." Angus nearly screamed but had a finger on his lips, like in a zipping shut motion. "Tell someone and I'll rip your throat out."

Angus nodded, "Don't worry about it, my cousins a terrorist. And my girlfriends dad like was a terrorist... well is."

Morgan sniggered, "Are you a terrorist?" Angus looked around in a joking manner, "I might be." He whispered. They sniggered together. They listened to the painfully boring history.

"Miss!" That was a nerd, he could tell as he said all the answers with ease. "Can we learn about The Fflur-Maddocks next? They're like only one person left."

"Miss. I thought Hitler had no balls." Angus called to the left of Morgan, looking at his piece of paper. Why they were learning about that? Morgan had no clue. It was slightly disturbing too. "Ermmmm actually. The possibility that Adolf Hitler had only one testicle has been a fringe subject among historians and academics researching the Nazi leader. The rumour may be an urban myth, possibly originating from the contemporary British military song "Hitler Has Only Got One Ball". A former German Army medic named Johan Jambor gave an account to a Polish priest and amateur historian, Franciszek Pawlar, in the 1960s, of how he saved Hitler's life in 1916 after—"

Morgan couldn't handle it, "Oh my God. Will you just SHUT UP. Honestly dos i chwarae efo dy nain." He hissed, "No one cares about Hitler's balls other than you, yeah I see you. Eyeing Jordan's groin area."

Jordan gasped and began to mimic vomiting. "I.." The nerd began. Luckily for him, the bell went. Everyone stood up, and left. Making it to the hall, Jordan approached Morgan. "Thanks for bringing that up, I cant believe.. EWW! I cant believe that someone as ugly as him would even look at me!"

Morgan nodded, "What even his name? Nerd McNerdingson?" He snorted. Jordan chuckled, "Maverick.. Like Maverick Hill."

Suddenly Morgan felt bad for Alexandra Hill.. now that was a story to be told. (I'm making a book that's like a prequel and it will be called Morgan's Time Travel Shenanigans (No Thanks To His Family!))

Morgan sat down next to Angus and they talked about things. They also talked about the weirdness of Maverick.

He was a nerd in everything, any subject and he knew everything. It was annoying, but Morgan had an idea.

If they learn about his family, then he can correct him on EVERYTHING.

Their second class was history, they piled into it and they began to speak about the family. "Maverick." The teacher, Ms. Bloom, began. "What do you know about the Fflur-Maddocks in the Roman times?"

"Gwendolyn caught the eye of Julius, Gwyneth caught the eye of Nero, Lowri caught the eye of Commodus, and Alys caught the eye of Caligula. They were all made mistresses."

Morgan's hand shot up, he was called on. In a very maverick like tone he said, "Ermmm actually." Which made people giggle. "Gwyneth caught the eye of Julius, Gwendolyn caught the eye of Nero, Alys caught the eye of Conmodus and Lowri caught the eye of Caligula. And only Lowri became a mistress, and bore him children."

"How do you know that?" Maverick asked very stubbornly. "Because my name is Morgan Fflur-Maddock, you blabbering little idiot."

Maverick's jaw dropped lower than Morgan's results on English and Science. "But he.."

Morgan threw a birth certificate at his face. He carried it around for the sake of it. Maverick just froze as Morgan took his birth certificate.

Maverick just sat there for the rest of the lesson with his jaw dropped.

Morgan could only laugh at the state and everyone else asked him questions about the family. He answered as much as he could, he knew everything ng he just couldn't tell people everything could he.

Morgan was pretty hyped at lunch, other than the fact it was lunch, but also because the end of term was coming up and there was to be some sort of dance.

Morgan was just hyped that he could be non uniform free. The school was basically like a British school, somehow less strict though.

Morgan was excited, but what would happen is something he wouldn't expect.

Something he hates.

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