{{[ CHAPTER ONE (act 1) ]}}

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note: all these apps and stuff were made in the 1990s for the fucking sake of it ok :))

Morgan didn't dress up formally, he was quite like the others and dressed up in the comfiest clothes they owned

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Morgan didn't dress up formally, he was quite like the others and dressed up in the comfiest clothes they owned. Morgan put on a white shirt, it was a Queen shirt, he wore that with ripped baggy jeans which would make teachers sob and black converse shoes. He wore that with a hoodie that could zip up and down, a black hoodie so he could really blend with the shadows.

Angus and him sat on bleachers as they ate and sipped punch, "Morgan." Angus said, suddenly the vibe was no longer 'fuck yes we are having fun,' instead it became 'holy shit this is fucking tense.'

"You're a demigod." Angus stated. Most people would freak, not Morgan. Morgan simply twirled his noodles, placing them in his mouth, eating it and then saying, "I know."

It was the most simplest answer, and Angus looked like he was suffocating. "Morgan, son of Hades. Relative of all them people. Born in 1776, should be dead but for some reason isn't, lives with an uncle who should also be dead. You're no Satyr, I can tell."

"No." Angus agreed, "I'm a son of Demeter." Morgan nodded, Demeter. Nice Goddess, she likes cereal. Morgan looked up, watching as some people walked in.

Grover led them, he knew Grover ONLY because of his weird shenanigans, and that was the only reason why people knew him too.

Some group of kids he didn't really know ever went to that school came in, "Who are they?" Morgan decided to point out with a confused look, Grover at that moment was looking right at them.

Angus shook his head, "Why is he here?" Angus mumbled. "Who is he?" Morgan wanted to yell. "A satyr." Angus told him and Morgan went 'ohhh' and looked at Grover.

His little reinforcements or some sort were also looking at them. "They're ugly." Morgan decided as he looked them up and down.

Him and Angus quietly spoke about stuff when Morgan felt someone breathing down his neck. "Morgan—"

"Nah." Morgan shook his hand in front of whoever it was' face and continued to eat his noodles while scrolling on his phone.

"Morgan." Angus said. "What?" Morgan sighed. "You just said no to Dr. Thorn."

"Okay? And I say no to my dead ancestor. What's your fucking point?" Morgan shrugged. Angus sighed. "Please?"

"Fine." Morgan sighed as he slipped off the bleachers, putting his phone into his jacket pocket, he then followed Thorn and Angus.

They went to like.. the entrance? And like the Di Angelos were there, which was bizzarre. They turned around and then Thorn wasn't like.. thorn? He was like some weird monster.

Morgan sighed and Angus pulled him back. Thorn seemed to be waiting for something, so Morgan continued eating his noodles. Thorn looked at him weirdly, "For someone being kidnapped your awfully calm."

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