Shinonome Household

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I had never been to Akito's house before, so this was a first for me.

Their house was pretty big but not bigger than ours.

I also found out that he had a sister named Ena who he mentioned was out at a mall, though he only talked about the bad stuff when it came to her. I guess he must have not liked her, then...

Currently, me and Akito were in his room, chatting. Akito wasn't that bad of a guy and had explained that he was always rude to others because he discovered his parents weren't biologically related to him about a year ago. Somehow I understood him there since I sometimes feel angry when my dad rants about how "I'm not perfect".

Me and Akito had a lot of things in common and we even both liked music. But one thing that still confuses me...


I say this in a mutter. I was too embarrassed to ask this question but I wanted to know...

"Um... w-why'd you know..?"

I say this in a tone that would try to make him understand what I meant by "you know". It was still a big mystery for me and I couldn't get why he had just randomly kissed me on a sidewalk out of all places. And why kiss me in the first place..?

Akito froze up and looked at me for a few seconds before quickly looking back down to cover his embarrassment. He then looks back up with a small chuckle, even though he is slightly red. I looked at him with a look of confusion. Just why was he laughing..? This was a serious question!!

"I could be asking you why you kissed me back, yet I'm not."

He pointed at me when he said "you" and at himself when he said "me". I blushed a little, looking away and staring at his bed AKA where I was sitting.

"But seriously... um... I don't know..?"

I could easily tell that he was nervous based on his tone of voice and the little blush on his face as he tried to hide half of it with his knee.

I looked at him with a look of confusion as I raised my eyebrow. He didn't know? Then why'd he kiss me if he didn't know why he did it? Was this just me thinking too hard or what..?


I was about to make a joke, but I remembered that this was Akito... we aren't friends, are we? Yet... he did save me from being killed on the road, so did that count..? But then again, we never really said we were friends and didn't exactly tell each other anything, so did we count as friends? And we started talking just today...

I sighed quietly as I fiddled with Akito's bedsheets. Just a moment ago we were happily talking about random things and now this..? I probably shouldn't have even asked that...

"God, I'm so stupid..."

I mumbled this to myself as I looked down, quiet enough for Akito to not hear anything. I wouldn't have Akito to complain and worry about the fact that I had just called myself stupid.  He for sure sounded very protective, especially after what happened today.

I somehow couldn't believe anything right now. Just about 2 weeks ago I was balling my eyes out after hearing what Akito had said about me, how he didn't dare like me, yet now I'm in the same house as Akito, talking and chatting away like we were besties...

"Um... Akito..?"

Finally, Akito looked up at me with a look of confusion, breaking the awkwardness by only a little, if not then really not breaking any awkwardness.

"I'm sorry if I m-made you uncomfortable that day... where I r-randomly hugged you..."

I spoke with a soft stutter, I was still quite embarrassed about it. It hadn't seemed like it was such a big deal that day but it seriously was. After that day passed, I constantly thought about why I hugged him. He seemed to seem strange afterward, his suddenly hitting my arm on the way out added to it. He was probably uncomfortable or something...

Akito seemed a little surprised to hear my words, he looked at me for a few seconds before smiling, his smile turning into a grin before he started laughing softly.

"Hahaha! Come on, Toya! How delusional do you have to be to believe that?"

I seemed a little shocked, why was he laughing..? And did he just call me delusional?!

I gave him a small side eye indicating that I was not catching on. That just made him laugh even more before taking a deep break and smiling. He gently started walking to the bed I was sitting on since he was sitting on the floor with a few blankets on there. He sits next to me and gently grabs my hand...

"Toya, I literally just kissed you. Did I not? I kissed you on a sidewalk in public when you had just been saved from a fucking car about to run you over... You don't think I should be the one worried when I was the one who made you uncomfortable?"

I froze as he said all those words... in a few, short seconds. I felt my cheeks warm up as I looked at my lap and noticed something.

I was blushing, hard...


(929 Words)

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