A Bouquet of Roses

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England was sipping some tea and reading as always when a knock came at the door. He walked up to answer it. “How may I help-?”

He stopped abruptly when seeing who it was.

"Angleterre~" France says flirtatiously.

England has a brief expression of confusion that quickly turns to irritation

"And...What do you want?”

"Oh Britain, is that the kind of warm welcome to give~?" France said as he playfully pouted.

England's brow furrows, his cheeks flush a bright red.

"I-I don't know what you're talking about…”

"Honhonhon. I think you do~”

"Shut up!" England said, very flustered. He took a deep breath, trying to cool down. He has no idea why he keeps blushing, but he hopes France hasn't noticed.

"I see that blush, Angleterre~" France teased as he winked playfully.

"Ugh...Why do you do this to me?" he's trying to calm down, but it's not working. He's growing increasingly red. His ears are hot to the touch as well.

"Because I like to mess with you~! Besides, I've come to thank you for helping me get that brute Germany out of my land!" France said, handing England a bouquet of roses.

England takes the bouquet of flowers slowly. He then sniffs them. They smell nice and they're so vibrant and pretty. It's making his heart rate increase even more. He blinks, trying to remain calm and stoic.

"No need to thank me, it's my job as the United Kingdom to help my friends.” The Englishman replied.

"Tu es si mignonne quand tu es stoïque, Grande-Bretagne!" France said playfully, winking.

"W-What did you just say?" England's blush deepens as he blinks rapidly once more. His heart is fluttering and he feels heat in the palms of his hands. So much so that he can barely hold onto the flowers.

"Honhonhonhon~" France laughs at England getting all flustered "This reminds me of the old times…”

"W-What old times?!" England glares at France and then looks down, "Look… I appreciate the gift and all but..." He fiddles with the flower in his hands slightly, “My job comes before… Before…”

France looks serious and nods. "I understand mon ami. You are such a strong country and your duties must always come first!”

England sighs softly as he looks up again. His cheeks are still flushed, but the temperature in his body has finally lessened slightly. "I...I'm glad you understand.”

France smiles at him, "I must get going now. It's always a pleasure~! Adieu l'Angleterre!" France said, blowing a playful kiss towards Britain as he leaves.

"W-Wait!" England tries to grab France's arm before he leaves but just misses.

"Damn..." he mutters and leans against a wall with a sigh as he shuts the door, forgetting to lock it.

England always struggled with his feelings towards France. He truly was doing his duty that day but seeing how Germany stood over France.... as a country he must lead without emotions but seeing France being harmed lit an even bigger fire in him. He never felt such rage before. And the fact France had come to thank him...

England looked at the bouquet of roses was given.

The flowers are vibrant, beautiful and smell sweet. England's expression is a mix of annoyance and frustration. He keeps trying to find other things to focus on to distract himself but it's become rather hard now. He feels frustrated with himself, that he's acting so stupid over something as petty as flowers and compliments… He lets out a small growl of frustration.

A Bouquet of Roses - A Hetalia FrUk fanfictWhere stories live. Discover now