To New Domino City and Welcome Speed Duel

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I was driving to the new city that my father told me that he wanted me to go to if anything happens to him and mom. 

The letter told me to go to a mansion where the a group of Butlers and Maids are waiting for me. I have been to the mansion once when i was a child. 

Then got inside the city, i heard police sirens coming my way and i drew off the freeway to talk to them. I pulled up and took off my helmet.

The police officer pulled up in his duel runner. I hang my head in sadness knowing i am in trouble.

Then the officer came over to me. The officer took notice of my sadness and knew i was in trouble.

i turned my head to see a police man looking right at me.

i turned my head to see a police man looking right at me

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"Your not from these parts?" He said

"No, i am here for family business". I said

"Where are you heading?" He said

"Sakaki Mansion, a letter that my father left for me told me to come here". I said

The police office came up with an idea.

"How about i make you a deal". He said

i turned my head to him.

"If you can beat me in a speed duel, i will drop the charges and guide you to the Sakaki Mansion myself". He said

"And if i lose?" I said

"Your going to have to help me with an errand". He said

I agree with the terms and we drive out Turbo bikes into the freeway.

The duel was beginning and Trudge starts his turn. Little did we knew three people were watching us.

Y/N - 4000

Trudge - 4000

Trudge drew his card.

"...Heh, I summon Assault Dog in attack mode." A dog with machine guns on its back came out and started running alongside Trudge.

" A dog with machine guns on its back came out and started running alongside Trudge

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08 ⏰

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