The news

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Marinette's POV

The tv flickers to life. The face of Nadja shamak pops up as she begins to speak. "There has been a great loss to the world of fashion today. The designer,Gabriel Agreste has died. His death has been confirmed by his butler,Natalie Sancour." As Natalie begins talking to Nadja,I feel a jolt inside me. Like I've been punched in the stomach. A few minutes later,i hear steps coming rapid fire up the stairs. Alya bursts into my room. "Have you heard?" She cries "Yes! I just watched it!" We then go off to school. As predicted,Adrien is not there.

Adrien POV

The morning starts like every morning does. I walk down to the kitchen for breakfast,but something is wrong. My father is not there. I go looking and finally,I find Natalie. I ask her where my father is. She looks exhausted and sends me outside to the park.

I hear my alliance ring beep and i look down. It's Natalie. She wants me home. I go there and she begins to break the news to me. "Something happened to your father last night. He died last night
after a tragic health scare". I turn pale and run to her,tears streaming down my face. She takes me in for a hug and tears begin to fall from her already red eyes.

The united heroes,the Incredibles,marvel,big hero six POV

The words are heard around the world. "Gabriel Agreste has died".  There are cries of surprise, shock and sorrow throughout. No one expected a man of his age,health and mass success would pass so soon. Everyone,hero and villain tunes into the news.

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