Bury a friend

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Invitations to the funeral go out. Planes of mourners land. The airports and hotels are packed with cameras as Batman,Spider-Man,the avengers and other supers,villains and designers land in Paris. All united by the loss of one of their own. There is no laughing or talking as a sea of black enters in.


An organ plays a mournful durge as the ceremony begins. Its sound fills the church as the bells in the belfry start to ring. Fourty five chimes. The years this great man had to live. Everyone leaves the row of limousines as the bells ring. Long and deep. A palpable wave of shock and sorrow.

Everyone settles themselves inside the enormous sanctuary as the music ceases. A man steps up and begins to speak,starting the funeral. The open coffins of Gabriel and Emilie Agreste lay open. A somber memory of what has happened. Adrien begins to speak. Looking much older than his actual age. Looking like the man he should'nt have to be. He begins to speak about his father and the great man he was. Others stand to speak. Such as the great designer,Edna Mode. Hymns are sung,and then the ceremony ends. With a feeling of numb sorrow clearly present,the hurse and all the guests leave for the cemetery.

Two graves are filled as hundreds stand sobbing.

The Agreste mansion and its grounds are abuzz with activity,but i feel as if it is only me. In a way,it is as if i am an orphan. I sob and fall into a deep sleep.

When i wake,it is morning. I feel sad and scared. I am about to go look for someone,when I hear a knock at my door. "Adrien"? A voice says. It is Natalie. I let her in. She asks if I am ok. Even as i say i am,she can clearly see that I am not. Clearly,some maternal instinct has kicked in.

Within a few days,I find out that my aunt Amelie and cousin Felix have moved in. Natalie calls a family meeting. I,with Felix am informed that Natalie is my guardian.

Natalie sends me off to school. I don't want to,but I know it is time. I haven't seen any of my friends since the funeral. That was almost a month ago.

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