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You may think that one word couldn't be that powerful , it could change anything right. Wrong
One words or specifically one bit of news entirely changed Izuku yagi's life from being a happy and carefree boy to one that would be neglected and beat for the majority of his life. All because of one thing, all because he was quirkless.

Today was a special day you may be wondering why, well at 4 years old people develop a quirk or a supernatural ability. It all started 200 years ago with a baby in china who upon its birth glowed brightly that was the first quirk to exsist and now they cover majority of the population these powers range from anything they could change your appearance, be super overpowered or could be useless. So the four year old yagi twins ( izuku and Izumi) where on their way to the hospital with their mother ( inko yagi) while their father (toshinori yagi) was waiting for them to come back.

Inko:"So are you two excited to see what quirk you'll get." 

Izumi:" YEAH I can't wait I bet we'll get super duper strong quirks so we can be hero's like all might."

The other two sweat drop at her excitement

Izuku: Yeah it will be great."

Inko:" i still don't know how you two can be twins but act so different."

Both children shrug.

~time skip~

Doctor: "Is the yagi family here".

Inko:" yes that's us come on kids."

Doctor: " alright so I'm guessing you're all here to see what quirks theses two have right."

Inko:" yes please doctor."

Doctor:"Alright I'll be back in a moment with the results.". . .

~mini time skip~

Doctor: ok so I have some good news and some bad news which would you like first

Inko: the bad news please is something wrong is one of them sick

Doctor: no nothing like that I just want to ask them both what are their dreams

Both: we want to be strong heros just like all might/ eraserhead

Doctor: those a great dreams, ok I'm sorry to say this but your son is quirkless

Izuku looked devastated he dropped his eraserhead action figure and whilst everyone looked at him with pity

Doctor: on the plus side your daughter has a more powerful version of your quirk Mrs.yagi

Inko: do you hear that Izumi you can be a great hero

Izumi: YAY

Izuku looked at his family confused a million questions running through his head. Why did they ignore me? Why didn't mom console me? Can I not be a hero now?

Inko: thank you for your time doctor, come on kids

Izumi walked out the room holding inko's hand whilst izuku slowly walked out the room behind them

Doctor: ( I'm so sorry kid you're going to have a tough life.)

~time skip~

As the three yagi's made it back home Izumi ran to her dad who was sitting on the couch reading whilst Izuku slowly walked up to his room

Izumi: daddy I got a strong quirk it's just like moms

All might (am): that's amazing Izumi you're gonna be an amazing hero

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