Chapter 3- realisation

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2 weeks later

It had been two weeks that izuku had gone into that dungeon and he's still in shock about how he managed to kill that snake he was sure he was going to die 17 times over in that place but no he persisted and managed to defeat everything in that dungeon and level up quite a bit , he'd still been doing the daily quests since he definitely didn't want to visit those centipedes again , since he doubts he's strong enough yet and his body had changed quite a bit no longer was he the weak scrawny boy he was at aldera. No he was more built and grow a bit taller

He still had his scars which he both hated and respected

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He still had his scars which he both hated and respected. He hated them since he thought they made him ugly and reminded him of the pain and misery he went through for a decade of his life , the reminded him of how weak and worthless he was but he respected them since they showed that whatever happened whatever was thrown his way he never gave up , he persevered and showed all those who told him otherwise that they were wrong.


Today was a special day cause today is actually the yagi twins' birthday well actually scratch that it was actually Izumi yagi's birthday since izuku had only celebrated 4 birthdays in his life because after the day he was found to be quirkless , the day were his parents started neglecting him , the day all of the hell he had to endure started , he stopped being human , he had no love no friends no birthday to celebrate it's like he turned into a ghost.

At least even though he couldn't celebrate his birthday , he still got presents from his aunts and uncles he was extremely grateful for those presents because he feared if he hadn't received anything or any love from anyone for 10 whole years he would have lost all his humanity a long time ago who knows maybe he would have "ran away from home or joined the villains" or something like that.


*knock knock*

Inko: can someone get that

Izumi: I'll get it

She opens the door and sees the bakugo family , president mic , aizawa , nemuri , nezu , grand Torino and recovery girl

All: happy birthday Izumi

Izumi: thanks guys come on in

Inko: that you all for coming for izumi's birthday

Everyone:( huh just Izumi)

Aizawa: where is izuku? (Why did she just say Izumi)

Am: oh he's probably in his room still

Nemuri: I'll go get him ( why didn't inko say izuku's name as well)

So nemuri walked upstairs to get izuku whilst everyone was confused about inko's previous comment. So nemuri was in front of izuku's room and she knocked on the door.

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