Chapter 4- entrance exam

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It was the next day and things hadn't really changed izuku guessed that his family did want to make it up to him but they were being careful about it , they knew they had done something apostolate awful and they were giving izuku the space he wanted anyway izuku was about to head out to do his daily run since he did know he was stronger but he had no clue what level those centipedes were and he didn't want to find out yet as he was going to reach for the door he felt a familiar tug on his shirt , so he turned around and saw Izumi grabbing hold of his shirt

Izuku: hey what's up

Izumi: umm where are you going

Izuku: for a run it's apart of my quirk's daily quest I have to do ,why did you need something?

Izumi: well I was wondering if I could come with you please

Izuku: hmmmm sure you can come what about Katsumi is she joining

Katsumi poked her head shyly around the corner

Katsumi: can I?

Izuku: sure but do you both know I'm doing 10km and doing something afterwards

Katsumi: you think I can't handle it , watch me I'll outrun you easily (realises what she said) I-i m-mean thank y-you

Izuku(laughs): just get ready I'll wait outside

Both girls hurried back into izumi's room . Izumi with a happy smile . And Katsumi with a noticeable blush on her face which Izuku chuckled at. So he headed outside and began to stretch waiting for the girls , after a few minutes izuku heard the door open and shut so he turned around to see Izumi and Katsumi both in black tank tops and leggings but izumi's were green whilst Katsumi's were orange.

Izuku: so you two ready

Both girls nodded Katsumi still having the noticeable red tint on her cheeks which made izuku smirk

Izuku(smirking): what's wrong Kat

Katsumi(blushing): s-shut up n-nerd let's j-just run

Izuku(laughing): sure thing

Yeah when Katsumi said that she'd outrun him even though it was blurted out instinctively she was extremely wrong , since both girls were now on the floor out of breath and they felt like they were dying meanwhile , izuku felt like he had just done a nice walk he had just broken a sweat but apart from that he could have gone on for another 10km but I think the girls wouldn't be catching up anytime soon. Izuku grabbed three water bottles from his bag and passed one each to the girls , who downed the drink in seconds

Izumi: how do you do this everyday , I'm basically dying

Izuku: you were always so dramatic Izumi and anyway like you said I've done it everyday so I got use to it

Katsumi: hey izu what are you doing

Izuku(smirking): izu huh ( Katsumi blushed once again and almost threw the empty water bottle at his head) anyway I'm checking out what I'm gonna get for my daily quest.

Izumi(eyes sparkling); can we see, can we can we

Izuku: alright alright calm down yes you can system

Izuku pulled up his quest log and opened his daily quest and he was just about to get the rewards but something caught his eye , on the run part of the quest it said 15km/10km

Izuku(muttering); what the , can I go over the limit , do I get something else for doing that or maybe something better

Izumi and Katsumi smiled at the familiar sight of izuku's muttering some people found it annoying and creepy the same thing with his hero analysis notebooks but the two of those always found it funny and they were amazed at how much izuku could analyse at a glance of a quirk , but they were brung out of memory lane when they heard an saw izuku running off again

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