Chapter 6: How many times did Fry say IAN?!

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"Hey!" A soft voice says in my ear. "Love it's time to get up"

"Huh?" I mumble.

"I know you're tired but you have to get up."

"Why?" I mumble again.

"Come on Love. You slept here through the night. It's morning now" Newt says.

"It is?" I open my eyes the bright light blinding me. "It is morning!"

"You thought I was lying?" he asks.

"Of course not! What's the plan for today?" 

"Today you get to do whatever until after dinner when you get your job." He tells me.

"So I could have slept in!" I gasp.

He laughs. "I guess you could have."

"No use now." I climb out of bed. "I don't want to change. I want to stay in my PJs."

"Then stay in your PJs. No ones stopping you."

"True." I walk to the door Newt follows. "What are you going to be doing?"

"I'll be in the garden. You can roam where you want. Just don't go outside the walls." He says.

"I'ma find the dog that saved me. Do you know where to find him or her?" I ask.

"Ya. Blood House her name is Bark because she never barks." He says.

"Really?" I ask walking over to the Blood House. 

"Yup. See you soon!" He runs off to the garden as I enter the Blood House.

"What are doing here?" A boy with black hair and a butcher knife asks. 

"I'm here for Bark." I say looking around. There are about seven pens filled with cows, sheep, pigs and chickens the last on holds a sleeping black retriever dog.

"Oh. Ya you can take her. She's no use anyway." He shrugs walking away into a different room.

 I open the door to the stable Bark is in. The dog wakes up at the sudden squeak. She jumps up tail wagging she walks over and nudges my bump. I smile.

"Want to go on a walk girl?" I ask walking out Bark at my heels. We walk over to the garden. 

"You found her!" Newt calls.

"Yup! Meet Bark!" I yell back happily.

"I've met her before Love" He calls with a smile.

"Meet her again!" I call as we walk over to the kitchen for breakfast. "Fry!"

"On the counter" He says without looking up. 

I walk in with Bark still at my heels. I sit down and start to eat the cereal.

Fry looks up. "OY! Why's there a dog in my kitchen?!" 

"Oh um.. Meet Bark.. She's my best friend.."

From across the kitchen Ian gasps. "We're not your best friends?"

"My best girl friend" I specify.

"Much better" Ian smiles then turns and yelps. "THE TOAST!!!"  He quickly grabs a oven mitt and pulls the toast up.

I start to laugh.

"IAN! Did you burn the toast?!?!" Fry yells.

"Uh... NO!" HE calls back.

I laugh harder. 

"Don't tell" Ian whispers.

"No promises" I whisper back.

"I swear if you did.." Fry yells.

"Shuck" He mumbles. "Here eat the toast" He hands it to me.

"Oh ok" I take a bite. finishing it in minutes.

"IAN! If you two are done being idiots can you get some stuff from the garden for me?" Fry asks.

I look at Ian. "YUP!" He calls. The three of us. Ian, Bark and me head to the garden.

"Did Fry say what he needed?" I ask.

"No. We just ask Zart for some veggies and he points us to the bins and we take what we need." 

"Sounds simple." I say was we make it to the garden.

"Zart we need some veggies" Ian says. Just like he told me Zart points to the bins of food. "Grab a basket" 

I grab a basket and start to add some veggies to it. Carrots, cucumbers, lettuce and other stuff. "Think thats enough?" 

"Yup." We walk back to the kitchen and hand Fry the baskets. 

"Cut the cucumbers for me please." He says.

"Ok." We each grab a cutting board and knife and start to cut.

"Ima finish my three first" He whispers.

"Not on my watch" I whisper back cutting faster.

"Race ya" He also starts to cut faster. In the end I beat him. "Dang it!"

"IAN! What did you do now?!"

"Nothing!" He yells then whispers. "We should even these out"

We look down at the cut slices all of them are uneven and messy. "Probably" I agree.

We even them out and give them to Fry.

"Very good" He says. "Ya'll can go for lunch now."

"Is it really lunch?" I ask.

"Yeah" Fry says.

"Jeeze. We spent awhile cutring those cucumbers then"

"Yup. They had to be perfect!" Ian laughs.

"Yet they still aren't very straight" Fry says inspecting them. "Ian.."

"How many times has he says my name?" Ian stage-whispers to me.

"Dunno. Wasn't counting" I stage-whisper back.

"IAN! VIVIAN!" Fry yells.

"That's our cue to leave." Ian grabs my hand and we run out of the kitchen laughing.

"Fry's going to kill us" I say between laughs. "What did you do?"

"Surprise" he smirks.

"Uh oh. Am I going to die?" I ask.

"Maybe don't eat the garlic bread."


Ian laughs covering my mouth with his hand. "Don't yell!"

"That's a sin" I deapan.

"Sorry ma'am" he saults.

"Come on let's get food"

I take a plate of spaghetti staying away from the garlic bread unfortunately. I sit down at a table with Ian soon after Newt joins.

"How is your day so far?" I ask.

"Good! I worked in the kitchen with Fry and Ian. Got Bark. Productive!"

"I heard Fry tell IAN! A lot. Pretty sure Minho did from the maze" he laughs.

"Innocent until proven guilty" he shrugs.

Newt sighs exasperated taking a bite of the garlic bread. "Gah! What is that?!"

Both Ian and I start to laugh.

"Seriously what is that?!" He gasps.

"I don't even know. I mixed up spices and put them in the garlic bread" Ian says laughing.

"Really?" Newt looks at us as we laugh. "You two are hopeless."

"IAN!" Fry screams from the kitchen.

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