Devil's Pit PT.2

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When Y/N was a kid, his thought process was jumbled. That's probably why answers to his dilemmas were hard to find at the best of times. His thought process tonight was evidence of that. Y/N knew he was in Toronto. Edge was from Toronto. Edge was famous for mind games, so Y/N was going to play some of his own.

Edge's entrance went first as the crowd serenaded him, but Y/N watched waiting for his queue. He waited until Edge finished his entrance before Y/N started his own.

His entrance music played but Y/N didn't exit from the ramp, he decided to change it up a bit and walked through the arena, parting the crowd as he held his head and title up high as the crowd was a mixed reception for the champion.

Y/N was slightly confounded. He expected to be booed. It was a championship against one of their own. It didn't matter if the crowd cheered or booed for him tonight because Y/N wouldn't care either way. He wasn't going to leave Canada without his title. It was the one thing that validated his sacrifices.

Y/N would walk through hell to bring it back with him and he might have just had to bring it home because just like Y/N, Edge wouldn't tap or stay down for a three-count in Toronto.

Y/N finally entered the ring and took his shirt off before throwing it into the crowd, knowing it was going to get thrown back. He was proven right when the shirt was thrown back into the ring delaying the match Edge wasn't going anywhere and neither was his title so he was going to use this chance to keep getting in Edge's head.

So he threw once more, and just like last time, it was thrown back at him. Y/N threw the shirt for the last time, but this time at his wife in the front row. 

The shirt landed on the Glamazon's lap, and unlike the other people in the arena, she didn't throw it back. Seeing her husband's anger, she kept it. Edge quickly got into the face of Y/N, who was smiling maniacally, getting what he wanted. Edge was ushered back by the referee.

Once the match started, it was a tussle of strength as they locked arms with Y/N coming out strongest. He was deceivingly strong, much stronger than the last time they fought as Y/N had spent countless hours getting better, something that Edge quickly found out as Y/N dominated the collar and tie lock, forcing Edge back to the corner of the ring before he was forced to break it up by the official at a four count.

Four minutes into the match, both wrestlers were still taking turns in the driving seat.

Y/N started in control as he used his anger as a strength driving him forward but it came back to bite him when Edge used that anger against him resulting in Edge controlling the match as he would squirm around Y/N after about two minutes when Edge went for a big boot Y/N ducked under and hit a german suplex throwing him across the ring and landing on his neck. 

Y/N taps the back of his neck and shouts at Edge, "How's that feel? One suplex, and you're laid out!" The referee checked on Edge seeing if he could continue making Y/N scoff disappointedly. He was prepared for a long fight, not something boring like this.

Y/N exited the ring and went to the timekeeper's area, deciding to taunt the crowd some more so the match would continue. "Pass me a mic, please." The ring announcer looked at him sceptically as if thinking he was going to attack Edge with it. "I'm not going to cheat, promise."

The ring announcer relented and passed him the mic. Y/N said something that wouldn't leave him for the rest of his life. "Who's your daddy, Toronto?!"

The crowd boos even louder than when he made his entrance, making Y/N's mouth curve into a shit-eating grin as he passed the mic back to the ring announcer who was trying not to smile. Y/N rolled back onto the apron as he said into the camera, "I hate Toronto. This place sucks. It's full of people who say ey' in every sentence. The weather sucks. Their sports teams suck. Their wrestlers suck. We've been fighting for five minutes, and I'm already bored."

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