chapter 1

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It was a Tuesday night around 8:00pm when the two friends Ash and Lucifer decided to hang out.

Ash's pov
I was sitting in my kitchen eating all the marshmallows from the lucky charms cereal when I got a call from my bestfriend Lucifer.

I answered the call and Luci spoke "what's up fucker what you up to?" I stood up "nothing much just eating marshmallows" I bagged up the lucky charms "so what's up" "well I was thinking what if we had a sleepover since we haven't hung out in a while yk?" Luci spoke. She was right we haven't hung out in a while what could go wrong."yea sure why not" I spoke " great I'll pick you up around 8:00?" I checked the time "yup that works I'll see you at 8:00" we said our goodbyes and I want to get ready.

After we got off the phone I went to take a shower. I stepped into the shower turning the water to the correct temperature. While in the shower I had a wierd feeling about this hang out I couldn't really understand why but I wouldn't let it get to me.

I got out of the shower grabbing my towel and heading to my room.i got changed into my hell fire hoodie and some comfortable shorts and my doc martins. I then started to pack I got enough clothes for one or two nights just in case. I then grabbed my skateboard and headed out the door.

Lucifer's pov
I grabbed my car keys off the counter and headed to Ash's house to pick her up.

On my way there I got a weird feeling about tonight I couldn't figure it out but I couldn't think about it right now since I'm driving and need to pay attention to the road.

I pulled into Ash's driveway

I look up and see them walking over, they open the passenger door, set their stuff on the floorboard and climb in. I smile at them "sup homie" I say. They buckle up, shut the door, and we speed off towards my house. While we are in the car, we blast some Mother Mother. It takes about 15 minutes for us to get to my house. Once we arrive, I park the car, turn it off, and we both get out. I help ash grab their stuff, and we head inside, with me locking the car behind me. I unlock my door and we head inside, locking it behind us. I sigh and set ash's stuff down in my living room. "So.." I start, they turn to me, "pillow fort?" "HELL YEA-"

~10 minutes later~

We built a fuckin' pillow CASTLE. And currently we are chilling inside, led lights on purple. I chuckle mischievously. "You wanna play the forbidden game? 1v1?" Ash nods eagerly, we get up and head to my hall closet, monopoly is on the very top, i can't reach it do I ask ash to get it for me as they are a few inches taller than me. They reach up and grab it, "I got it!" They say, as they do I turn to go back to the fort. As they pull the game down, something falls to the ground, fluttering slowly. It's a piece of paper? They call me over "hey lucifer?" "Yah?" I reply, "whats this?" I turn and walk back over as they pick up what appears to be an old newspaper. I tilt my head, "uhm.. I have no idea.. where was that?" They flip it over, examining it with a perplexed look on their face. "It fell off of the shelf when I pulled monopoly out-" I grab it from them, they allow me to take it, I examine it as well. There's a headline from 2017 about a missing persons case for about 6 people in some old antique, but lavish, looking mansion. I feel my stomach drop, I can't pinpoint why, but I had a strange curiosity about this place and this story. I look up at ash, finding them looking over the story as well, they glance up and meet my gaze. I give them one of concern, they return it but slightly more confused. I take the newspaper and unfold it to read the story. In 2017 a group of 6 people went missing, having last been seen at the "markiplier manor" owned by acting star mark E. Fischbach. I tilt my head and feel my curiosity growing. I keep reading. There were no leads, the case was unsolved. "What?? Thats it?" I hear from ash. I look at them, they look frustrated, no doubt having the same curiosity about the whereabouts of these people, and what circumstance lead to the disappearances. I share their look of frustration. "Theres gotta be more to that. How do they have no information on what happened?" I ask, not truly wanting an answer. Ash shakes their head, "I don't know.. but I really wanna know." I silently agree with a nod. They hum thoughtfully. I gaze at them as a mischievous smile graces their features. I raise a brow at their expression and in return they grin, "do you think we could find the address of that place?" I glance back down at it, "a little digging should tell us, but it's clearly in LA." They nod, i sigh lightly and chuckle, walking over to our fort. We climb inside and open up my laptop, I start doing a little research on it, first looking up "markiplier manor". I see the news story. Next I look up "markiplier manor address". There it is. "Shit. That was easy." I say. Ash hums "yea- it was." I hum, searching it up on google maps, its about 30 minutes away, but hey! Who doesn't love a good late night adventure into an abandoned mansion? I hum. "Aight. Uh. Get your shit, let's go!" I say, ash jumps up, knocking our fort over. They throw a blanket off their head and grab their stuff, throwing on their doc martins, lacing them tight. They grab their skateboard, their backpack, and phone. I grab my small backpack, searching through it I find that I dont have my coin purse. I quickly run and grab it, putting it in the bag. Then I head to the junk drawer, grabbing two headlamps, and two bright handheld flashlights. I slam some new batteries into each of them, and enough extra for each of them to have another in my bag just in case. I put my phone in the bag and grab my heelies. I grab my keys and have everything I need. We head to the car and toss our shit into it, I click the directions to the place, quickly following it. We arrive in about 40 minutes due to light traffic.

I park my car and climb out of it, flipping my headlamp on, ash does the same. I lock my car and we head inside, Ash has their skateboard. "Planning to grind on some old marble countertops or some shit?" I say. They snicker, "yea guess so!" They look at me with a fuckboy face, I return the gesture. Then we bust out laughing for a moment. Then we calm our laughter and begin heading up the front staircase to the large front door. The door, of which seemingly used to have many windows in it, is all covered in plywood. We walk over and I hum, "how do we get it? Its boarded up?" As I'm thinking of a plan ash walks over and opens the door,
" got it." I turn around, "what the fuck-" i look at them, "how the fuck did you do that?" I stare shocked. "I turned the doorknob" i go to respond, but I don't think of anything. I sigh and chuckle. "Alright let's go." We walk into the front door, ash gently let's go of the door and it slowly closes on its own as we walk away. Though it's strangely so quiet we don't notice. We start walking and first thing i notice is the shattered glass on the floor, and a strange reddish orange stain in the middle of the floor. "I really hope that's not what I think it is." I speak, worried for our safety. Ash chuckles "PSSSHHH- WE'LL BE FINE, I GOT THE DOC MARTINS." I sigh and facepalm. "Okay ash." Ash drops their board down and skates into the adjacent room, I follow suit, clicking the ground with my feet and I skate after them on my heelies. The room I enter seems to be a kitchen. Once clearly luxurious. But now desolate, and dusty. I hear ash opening one of the industrial sized fridges, "I wonder if they got any snacks?" I chuckle a bit, glancing around i notice the extreme over crowding of ovens. I start counting them, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6- "bro who the fuck needs 6 ovens in one house. Let alone one kitchen-" I hear ash turn and shut the fridge laughing loudly at my comment. As they laugh I hear something outside the room somewhere, it sounds like shuffling.. I turn to ash, "ash! Shush!" I slap my hand over their mouth to quiet their laughter. I listen closely, since ash went quiet there has been no sound. I remove my hand from their face. "What was that about?" I sigh, "I thought I heard something." They chuckle, " I didn't hear anything- We'll be okay. This place has been abandoned since 2017! There's no one he-" suddenly there's a clattering and a set of quiet but hurried footsteps outside the room. Ash jumps back, clearly freaked out. I stare at the door, frozen for a moment. Attempting to listen for where the footsteps went. "Someone else is here.."

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