chapter 3

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Lucifers pov

We turn around and ash holds up the gun, popping the spinner open and seeing if there are any bullets. None. No luck. Shit. I open up my backpack and pull out a sock. Ash looks at me as they hear metal jingling around. "What the fuck is that?" They ask, "coin purse." I say, "thats a sock-" "I know. Makes for a good weapon,and good for when I want a snack at a vending machine." They look confused at me and then sigh,not questioning it. They quickly stuff the gun in their bag, and pick up their skateboard. I sigh, "its been a while since I've had to kick someone's ass. Hopefully we win." I say. Ash nods, we see a man with short black hair, a light blue shirt, kakhi pants, and black running shoes step into the doorway. "Hello! I'm jim, from Jim's news broadcast. Today.. its seems we have a few people to round up. Jim?" Another man, looking identical steps in but wearing a quite shirt and black pants, but he's holding a video camera. "Ah hell nah I aint letting some whack ass twins out videos of me being murdered or some shit on the internet." I say clearly getting pissed and freaked out more. I charge forward, the man with no camera swings an arm at me attempting to knock me down by hitting my jaw, I duck under his arm and swing the sock up at him, nailing him in the side of the head, just then I see ash hit the other one in the face with his skateboard. They're both out cold. "Shit. We gotta go hide somewhere or something. They'll wake up eventually and i'd prefer them NOT know where we are." I say. Ash nods and we both run, looking for somewhere to hide we find a locked room, I shove a credit card into the crack between the door and the frame, opposing the door open. We step inside and I shut it behind us, making damn sure its locked. Its damn near pitch black in here, slight moonlight casting through cracks in the window boards giving light, and our headlamps, which are looking a bit worse for ware, are illuminating the room decently well. We are both out of breath and we plop down on the floor. I glance at the wall and see a picture of a man in a red satin robe, a slipknot handkerchief tie and black slicked hair. "That must be him. Markiplier." I whispwr very quietly to ash. He nods. I huff, pulling out my phone i attempt to text a family member, no service. Damnit. I attempt to find service walking around the large sized bedroom. Nothing. But then I finally find one bar. I quickly dial my moms number, it rings and rings, she answers but it doesn't connect. It hangs up and the service goes away. Shit!

We hear a creak. We glance around. No one. Nothing. We didn't move at all. I start hearing that static again. The ringing sound following along. I freeze. Then moments later the creaking resumes and I feel a gust of wind from behind me. Ash looks at me and I look at them. They look terrified. I tilt my head at them asking whats wrong. They point behind me unable to speak. I turn and look. Nothing. I turn back to them as I hear slurred laughter. I look behind ash and see the man with the pink mustache. He's looking down at ash with an amused smirk. "ASH MOVE!" I say loudly, they turn around and the man disappears as they stumble away from their spot. "What? What? What did you see?" They ask panicked. I shake my head and blink "i- I saw the man- with the pink mustache- he- he was behind you! I swear!" They look at me, "thats what I saw behind you! But it was the man with the cane!" My eyes widen in fear. I hear the ringing again and deep rubling laughter, joined shortly by the slurred laughter once again. We freeze again. I feel a migraine hit me like a truck. One so bad, I collapse and hold my head. Ash having felt the same falls to the ground as well. A cold wind fills the room and swirls around us both.

The ringing gets louder and louder. I feel two cold hands on my shoulders. As I do the ringing stops and I look up, the headache remains but is slightly less painful, I whip around, looking behind me I see the man from earlier without a camera. But.. he's dressed differently. He's wearing a shiny blue shirt and holding a microphone. "Uh- hey. You need to come with us. Jim?" He looks up at where ash is and there's another one of them behind ash. This one is wearing a blazer and glasses. What the fuck. This one nods, "yep we have some important business to-" wham. Ash had managed to take off both shoes and nail him in the side of his head, discombobulating him. He falls to the ground. "Oh ma gawd he dead as haaaaeeelll-" ash says with a laugh before chucking one of the shoes at the "jim" behind me. It hits him square in the nose and blood falls onto me, I headbutt the man in the chin, knocking back onto the ground and I toss ash their shoe and we grab our stuff, sprinting out of the room. I trip over something unseen, I fall and brace myself with my arms. I catch myself and flip around standing up and looking at what I tripped over as ash comes to help me up "you alright luci? Come on!" I look at what I tripped over. "A leg? The FUCK-?" we start running again as I realize it was another fucking JIM. "HOW MANY JIMS ARE THERE?? WHAT ARE THEY?". I yell in pure confusion, ash turns to me as we run, "I have no fucking idea-".

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