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Velgrynd have been locking herself in her room ever since Rimuru's death

Day by day passes with her just scraping every last bit of Rimuru out of the furnitures, the floor, and the walls

She has collected everything there's to get in the room which is enough to make three whole Rimurus

But even then it's not enough since the soul is missing

That doesn't stop her from embracing the slimes though

Eventually, she realizes another hard and cold truth

'Rimuru's body will turn back into Magicules sooner or later...'

So in hopes of prolonging the process, Velgrynd merged the three into one big slime

And so, she just embrace the slowly disappearing slime for days, weeks, months, years, and eventually centuries

Which at that point, the slime has already dissolved into Magicules

This causes a massive turmoil to her mental so bad that it disturb Michael's control of her


How y'all doing? I myself are going crazy with each passing day

Anyhow, this is just a tease chapter since it's not been a year yet since my last upload

Man I sure love making these cliffhangers

Welp, Thank you for still reading and see ya on the next chapter!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 05 ⏰

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