✧24. Crown Of Burden : Tears Of A King✧

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Yoongi's voice slightly trembled as he continued

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Yoongi's voice slightly trembled as he continued. "My parents... they were from the mafia line," he began. "They were known to be cold-hearted, feared by everyone in the underworld. But to me and Jimin, they were different. They raised us with love, with a softness that only I knew."

"They wanted me...to be different. They didn't want me to be like them, cold-hearted and despised by everyone. They didn't want me to have the instincts of the mafia, because then, I will be seen like them."

He sighed. "But their wish... it went to waste," he admitted. "Because I... I'm just like them. I have their instincts, their tendencies. If only I wasn't like that, maybe they could've been happier."

"And no one wanted to befriend me," he said. "I was always seen as the mafia's son, someone to be feared and avoided. So, I grew up alone."

"It was a lonely existence," he confessed softly, his gaze on the floor. "But it was the only life I knew."

"My parents found Jimin as a newborn baby," he began. "He was abandoned, left in a garbage bag like he meant nothing."

Jin's eyes widened, his expression reflecting his disbelief. "Does that mean Jimin was..." he trailed off.

Yoongi nodded. "Yes," he replied softly. "He was adopted. We're not brothers by blood."

"And when he was 2 years old, we found out he had heart problems," he recounted. "His heart was weak, and he would struggle to breathe at times. There were moments when his heart would seize in pain, and he would faint."

"We all cared for him deeply, doing everything we could to keep him healthy. But when he started attending school at the age of 6, some students began to tease and bully him because of his condition. They mocked him for being weak and unable to participate in sports like other kids."

Yoongi's hands clenched into fists as he recalled the pain Jimin endured. "One day, he came home in tears, broken by the cruelty of those bullies," he continued. "I don't know what came over me, but I just..saw red. Without a second thought, I went to the park where those boys were playing and..." He trailed off, unable to finish the sentence.

Tears gathered in his eyes. "I... I killed those kids," he admitted. "I didn't even know how or why I did it, but... but I did. And there was no turning back after that."

"Then, my parents found out," he confessed. "That was why they locked me up in a room and punished me."

"It was cruel," he continued, his voice barely above a whisper, "but what I did to those kids was more cruel."

"They then tried to defend me, hiding the fact that I was the killer," he explained, his voice filled with bitterness. "But the police investigated, and after a week, they found out that I was the murderer."

The revelation brought him a sense of guilt and shame. "They didn't want me to be seen like that. I was only 9 years at that time," he said. "They knew I didn't do it intentionally. So, they made a sacrifice."

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