Part 1

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I would say I'm pretty successful in my career. Some would call me a workaholic, like my best friend Jeonghan, which might be right. But I like my job anyway.
Like any other day, I turn off my alarm and get ready for my work as the CEO's secretary, only today, I seem to be more sleep deprived than usual. Tired, I decide to put on white shirt, slacks and my new fitted grey vest - just for a little change - and head out. I get into my car, mentally preparing myself for the long drive to work.

Of course, I'm the first one there, so I use the time to make my boss's coffee and breakfast sandwich the way he likes it, burning hot so it's still warm when he gets to his office.

As he walks into the office, everyone shoots up, bowing at him whilst shitting their pants in fear.
I'll admit, he does look quite scary, but that's just his resting face. He may not show it, but he's quite the sweetheart is what I've discovered over 5 years of being his secretary.

Then, like clockwork, he nods at me as a good morning with a completely straight face as he walks closer. After giving him a professional smile and bow, I walk over to his office door right in front of my own desk and open it for him.
I enter after him, placing his breakfast and coffee on his desk as he places his briefcase down, starting to take off his blazer as I come behind him and help him slide it off, smoothly hanging it on the coat hanger.

He takes his seat, and with a smile, asks me for his schedule. I grab my iPad and recite his schedule to him as I look down at it;
"You have a meeting with the engineers for the drone at 11 and the press conference at 3. I postponed the testing of the drone to tomorrow seeing as your schedule is tight today, and I have organised your speaking points for the press conference as you had asked me to, sir."
He pauses.
"I see you've changed up your style a little, Mr. Hong." he says with a smirk, referring to my vest.
I smile at the unexpected comment; "Yes, sir." I say.

"You look good." he says as his eyes rake over my body. "T-thank you." I say, looking at anything but him as I internally curse myself for stuttering.

This might be the first time he's actually complimented me. The occasional stares had me scared sometimes.


I can't help the smirk that creeps onto my face as I watch my beautiful secretary blush and fidget, in contrast to his usual professional attitude. I watch as he bows and turns around sharply, leaving my office.
Only to return shortly after; "Sir, the guards have informed me that Mrs. Lee's car has entered the gate.", he says and I sigh.
I can't help but smile as he stifles a laugh. "I will bring in the tea and snacks shortly."

He re-enters quickly, placing the tea and snacks on the lounge table within my office. I walk towards him slowly, while attempting to fix my tie.

He lets out a giggle before coming closer to me, reaching for my tie. I look down at his face as he reties my tie for me, noticing the slight bags under his eyes.
I unconsciously reach up to his face, brushing some of his hair out of the way. I notice as I feel his hands rest on my chest and his doe eyes looking up at me innocently, a light blush dusting his cheeks, that I had cupped his face in my hand, and that my mother had watched the whole ordeal.

I quickly take my hand away, quietly mumbling an apology. "I will speak to you in the car.", I say quickly as I spin him around by the waist, watching his eyes widen for a split second before smiling and bowing at my mother professionally.
He walks towards her, closing the door behind her and leading her towards her seat before gently pouring her tea and my coffee, bowing once more, and leaving the room.

I take a sip of my coffee, placing it back down before looking up to see my mother smirking at me. "It's not what you're thinking, he's my secretary." I say in an attempt to shoot her down before she can start.
"You can't lie to me, I'm your mother."
"I'm serious, there's nothing going on with him!"
She suspiciously raises an eyebrow at me.
"I swear!" I say, raising my hands in defence. "He was just tying my tie!"

"You must find a partner soon, Seokmin!" she scolds. "I've seen the way you two behave with each other, and even if you don't like each other, he would make for a great partner.", she tells me gently. "Your father and I don't want you to be alone after we're gone, son."
She's right, and I know that.
But how am I supposed to find a partner within the 1 month deadline my father has given me?

a/n: short chapter sorry :p im not very inspired and im new to writing, feel free to give me tips/ideas!!

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