Chapter 3: Slight bond

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*After recess they find out that Meg goes to the same class as them, conveniently she also sits quite near them. Close enough to talk without the teacher knowing.

Meg's POV (Past):

Meg: All of my friends went to this other highschool in the big city, I wish I could make some friends. (Meg thinks to herself while the teacher is explaining all of the classes and rules)

*Recess starts. Meg is alone sobbing a bit, and a boy with a green sweater and a girl with purple hair approach her and start talking to her.

Meg: Wow, they look really cool (Meg things to herself)

*Leon and Sandy are talking to Meg but she doesn't listen due to her excitement.

Leon: So wanna be friends?

Meg: Yes (Meg said without even listening to what they said prior to that due to her excitement)

Sandy: Cool, since tomorrow's saturday, wanna hang out with me and Leon?

Meg: Sure (Meg said without thinking it twice)

*Recess bell sounds

Sandy: Ok, 4:30 P.M. at the ice cream shop. (Sandy said just after the bell rang)

Meg: See you there! (Meg shouts unable to keep her excitement)

*Class ends and They all go home.

Leon POV: (Present: Saturday morning)

*Leon was all morning texting Meg and Sandy through the gruop chat. Later, Meg hat to go so Leon and Sandy talked to themselves in private.

(text) Leon: Wyd rn?

(text) Sandy: Not much, what about you?

(text) Leon: Just playing videogames.

*Sandy thought that now that meg's gone, she coud tell him, but she then thout that if he rejected her the meeting would very awkward, so she didn't say a thing.

(text) Sandy: what game r u playing?

(text) Leon: Buildingcraft

(text) Sandy: Cool, I also have it. Can I join u?

(text) Leon: Sure, I'm about to build this megahouse, u can help.

*They played together untill the meeting.

*The meeting:

Leon POV (Present):

Leon: Oh hi Sandy

Sandy: Hi, is Meg coming?

Leon: She's actually behind you.

Meg: Hi Leon, Hi Sandy

Leon & Sandy: Hi meg!

Meg: Sorry I came a bit late, I was at the academy

Leon: Nah chill, its fine.

Sandy: Wanna buy some ice cream?

Leon: Sure. Actually I know the owner, so I have discounts.

Meg: That's so cool

Leon: Hi Lou!

Lou: Hi Leon, what do you guys wanna get?

Meg: I'll get a strawberry cone.

Leon: I'll get a vanilla cone

Sandy: Can I get a watermelon frostie?

Sandy POV (Present):

*They all got their ice cream.

Leon: I've actually never tried a watermelon frostie. Can I try?

Sandy: Sure here you go.

Sandy: Wow, and indirect kiss, this feels like a dream! (Sandy thinks to her self with a blushy face)

Leon: Sandy, you okay? (Leon asks because of her blushy face)

Meg: Yeah, you look weird.

Sandy: Yeah, it's nothing

Sandy: well, do you like it?

Leon it's really good, but I like my vanilla cone better.

*Meeting ends and they all go home.

Leon POV (Present):

Leon: Wow now that I think about it, Sandy is really cute. I think I'm in love, I feel this tingly sensation whenever I think about her.

Leon x Sandy: Green HeartsWhere stories live. Discover now