Dear Brother,
Of course you are the 'cooler' son of Oden. But you say this as if it were a good thing. The whole of Asgard knows and sees you as the cooler one and I as the warmer one. For I have a kinder heart and can amalgamate among gods, humans, and frost giants such as yourself. The righteous brother would have a warm heart not a cold one. To be the cooler brother is to be the unhonorable brother.Enough with that nonesense! The man with eyes that resemble a hawk taught me about a block of substance in the room of bath. I do not know what it is but the taste is horrid. And I wanted to warn you brother. Never taste the block. It will make you want to run all through Asgard to find the antidote for the foul taste it leaves behind. The hawk man referred to it as soap. My warning to you brotherin.
We must learn to live together as brothers or perish as fools.
Your superior minded brother,
P.S. Never doeth what you please. It makes you a cooler person
Dear Brother
HumorThe intellectual letters between two gods of awesomeness. Advabce toward me brethren and read if you dare.