Chapter 1: Sofia's Melody

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In the bustling streets of Dhaka, amidst the vibrant tapestry of Bangladesh, Sofia Josna Showdagor's journey began. Born into humble beginnings, Sofia was the only child of her devoted parents, who toiled tirelessly to provide her with the simple joys of life. Her mother, a diligent maid, and her father, a hardworking taxi-driver.Nevertheless she received unconditional love

Despite the warmth of her family's love, Sofia's path was marred by the harsh realities of societal judgment. Middle school and high school became battlegrounds where her economic status became fodder for ridicule and scorn. Taunts and jeers echoed in the corridors, she never had a true friend. It left Sofia feeling isolated and vulnerable. She was still always a strong person.

Amidst the darkness of despair, a glimmer of hope emerged in the form of Mr. Jack Sebastian, a substitute math teacher with a heart of gold. With his arrival, Sofia's world tilted on its axis.

Due to her poor upbringing she wasn't good at all with mathematics.She didn't have the time to practice math neither did she have any proper guidance.Most of the time due to having multiple part time jobs she slept during class.

One day as she was sleeping during class an unknown man had tapped on her head gently multiple times to wake her up.Upon waking up Sofia looked at this man and screamed "WHO ARE YOU? WHERE AM I. HAVE I GOTTEN KIDNAPPED" the whole class looked at her hysterically and laughed loudly.The unknown man smiled and introduced himself to her "My name is Jack Sebastian. I am your new substitute math teacher , I came to this class about 20 minutes ago yet you were sleeping the whole time. You know you should be sleeping in your house not inside school?"
Sofia looked embarrassed and said "I'm sorry it's just that I have a lot of part time jobs I dont get enough sleep."
Mr. Sebastian looked at Sofias expression.She was looking down and sad, he understood that she was telling the truth
"I am excusing you this time. But be careful from next time onwards."

After the class ended Mr.Sebastian went into the teachers room.He couldn't help but be curious about the girl named Sofia. He looked at every students profile.After about five minutes or so he found Sofias record which consisted of her results He saw that Sofia scored almost a perfect score in every subject expect for mathematics. She failed in math every semester. He thought to himself "What an interesting girl."

There was another girl named Sharon Jones.She was the queen bee of the whole school.She had everything.She was pretty,from an wealthy family and had the best results in the whole school. But Sofias results were better than hers in every subject expect math.Thats why she always taunted her and bullied her.She was jealous as to how she did so well on other subjects.

When the class ended she went up to Sofia and said "Y'know Sofia you looked so stupid when you woke up.Mr Sebastian is so handsome I feel bad for him that he had to see your extraordinarily vile face. I don't know what I'd do if I were you. Probably hide my face from this world. How do you even live? I could never." She laughed and went away with her three other minions.

Sharons bullying was regular.So this didn't bother Sofia at all.It would have been unusual if Sharon didn't bully Sofia everyday. The only thing she thought was "Man i need to stop sleeping during math class.But what Can I even do, it's so boring the teachers are always rude too.The new substitute teacher looks annoying as hell"

She looked at the clock It was almost 2 pm.She just remembered she had duty in the coffee shop at 2:05 ."HOLY HECK! I NEED TO RUN QUICKLY AS POSSIBLE OR ELSE I'M SCREWED"

After finishing her part time jobs she reached her empty home and opened the math book to study.She didn't understand anything "How am I ever gonna pass math.This is so complicated ahhh" "I'm gonna study social science today again, who even created math? I will never need it in the real world." She whispered.

On the other hand in his house Mr. Sebastian saw beyond Sofia's struggles, recognizing her potential and determination.
He decided upon a plan. A plan that would change Sofias future.

 A plan that would change Sofias future

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(A doodle of sofia done a while ago)

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