'Ahhh a new home' ~CHAPTER ONE~

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(A/n) :authors note
(Y/n):your name
(L/n):last name
(N/n):nick name
(S/c):skin color

(A/n:you have sharp teeth and yellow eyes along with bags under your eyes the rest of your appearance is up to you)
Y/n POV:

"Finally a new home away from my stinking parents!" I say to myself as I pull up infront of the house it looked different yet familiar since the last time I was here,

I step out my car and walk to the door, I stroll through the rooms remembering the things I used to do with Adam and Barbara, Adam would help me with school work, Barbara would let me tend to her garden it was great! They were like a replacement for my shitty parents

I walk upstairs and go into the room I want as my bedroom I start unpacking the little I have I take out a black nd white stiped bear with a black bowtie and a sad looking face "aww this is the bear Barbara made me! I forgot I had this!" I hug it close and place it on the floor I had made a little bed on the floor for now I grab the wood I brought, so I could make my own bed I grab the goggles Adam got me that (surprisingly) still fit.

I started building the frame and screwed in all I need to.

Tomorrow I'll go out and get a mattress I think to myself as I finish building

I build other stuff to decorate a bit, after that I'm exhausted "oof I guess the lack of sleep I've had is finally kicking in" I say then groan

"But I haven't even got my coffee maker yet" I say then decide I'm gonna buy everything I need today

I grab a hoodie a pair of joggers and a T-shirt and get dressed I swear I heard a whistle but it must have been the wind, I gi downstairs and start making my way to the shops

-time skip brought to you by the author not wanting to write a scene of buying thing at the shop-

I walk home hands full of bags and bags along my arms and a lamp under my armpit, I even got an employee to help me carry my matris

I open my door and drop my bags then wave to the employee to say goodbye I thank them and start to decorate, I put my matris down and collapse on it "ooffff maybe I should sleep tonight..."

I get up and get in a shower then get ready for bed.

I lie down and fall asleep

??? POV:

"I heard there's a new owner" I say to my beautiful wife "oh! Shouldn't we try to do something about that like BJ said?" my wife said.

"I still don't know if we can trust that guy he makes me uncomfortable" I say as I shiver

"Well why don't we scare them a bit tomorrow I bet we could!" I say doubting my own words

"Did someone say something about scaring~?" a gruff voice from behind me said, and I imitately recognized it


Aaaannddddd finished! Well the first chapter anyway I hope youre enjoying this really bad fanfic 😀

(Word count: (556)

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