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After finding out the truth, Utahime felt like her world crumbled like a bucket of ice-cold water had been splashed on her. Satoru was suffering all along yet she left him without speaking to him properly. She even pushed him away, wanting him out of her life. Heartlessness and foolishness are not enough words if she were asked to describe what she did to her ex-boyfriend. The man loved him and only thought of her while she harbored resentment towards him for doing absolutely nothing and misunderstanding his situation. Satoru has every right to get mad at her, Utahime thought.

For her, she does not deserve the embrace Satoru was giving her right now. How can Satoru still want her after leaving him hanging and looking for answers? How can he still tell her how much he loves her when all she gave him was silence back then? Utahime could have accepted Satoru cursing at her right now like what he told her in the chat when she came back.

"I'm sorry Satoru... I didn't know. I should have asked. I'm so sorry for being mute, deaf, and blind. I don't deserve you." Utahime is choking on her tears as she tries to escape from Satoru who is still caging her with his tight embrace.

"Who are you to tell me what I deserve? I don't care. I love you. Let me be with you. I want to make up for the year we have lost." Satoru does not want to let Utahime go. He refused to because when he didn't hold her back then, Utahime left. "Let's give each other a chance again."

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