8| Controlling the Animal 🌶️

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"Let me mark you mine completely now

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"Let me mark you mine completely now."

He muttered in his hot, dominating and sexy voice, and I felt him carrying me towards the bed.

He tossed on the bed and hovered over me immediately. I turned back in urgency only to see his hungry and lustful expressions.

"I thought my babygirl was shy, but you are wild."

He muttered in a husky voice close to my ears and I breathed seductively. He parted my legs and I felt him opening the knot of his pyjama. I didn't stop him as I had different plans.

He lifted up my skirt and he was still wearing his boxers. He hadn't removed my panty yet, he brought his lips closer to my cheek below the ear. He started kissing me hungrily, and I moaned when I felt him sucking me there.

"Annh! Not another mark... please!"

I begged sexily to arouse him more and felt him getting hard down there. He drew a trail of hungry kisses from my neck to my abdomen leaving my breasts as my blouse had heavy embroidery design on it. I could feel his bulge growing down there and this is when I realised he was bigger than I thought!

He sat up and stared at my core. His gaze was so intense that I felt fucked without even being touched by him. His gaze shifted to my eyes and it was intense - very intense and desirous.

"I want to eat you raw. Let's cancel this bullshit party and do what we are supposed to do as husband and wife."

He was about to hover over me again when I placed my right foot on his chest. My jhanjhar made a tinkling sound and he looked at it with thinned eyebrows.

"Why the hell did you wear this?"

He asked and his voice sounded dangerous and heavier this time.

"Because I love them."

I asserted, and his gaze shifted to my eyes again.

"I asked my mother not to make you wear this because it drives me insane. The animal in me wakes up and I don't want to hurt you on our first time."

I smirked and traced his collarbone with the toe of my foot.

"There is one more thing your mother told me."

He raised his brow and I continued

"That you won't consummate our marriage until I agree."

"Fuck!" He cursed under his breath and looked at my tracing toe that was now tucked in his gold chain and I pulled him closer along with it. He held my ankle while partially hovering over me and started planting gentle kisses on my ankle. He sucked the skin beneath the bells of my anklet and I moaned in pleasure


He left my foot after playing with it and hovered over me caging me and I wrapped my legs around his torso.

Thakur's Ardhangini | 18+Where stories live. Discover now