004. ─── eyes open

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EPISODE THREE:flying solo !

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flying solo !

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THE CROWD WERE THOROUGHLY CONFUSED, AND TYPICALLY, SO WERE JULIE AND KAT. Kat glanced between Julie and the audience who were letting out noises of amazement at the fact that the members of Sunset Curve disappeared as fast as they appeared into the first place.

"Hey," the light technician began, standing next to Julie and Kat. "Where'd the rest of the band go?"

"Wait, were those holograms?" Kayla, a member of Dirty Candy, asked in excitement.

Julie turned to look back at the audience and chuckled. "Yes! Yes, they were holograms. Kat told me it would've been a good idea to plug it into the ceiling projector before the show. I'd explain it, but it involves algorithms and science stuff."

The crowd all cheered again, and Kat let out a sigh of relief. Julie was lucky they believed her. Kat went to send a small smile in Julie's direction but, instead, her eyebrows furrowed in confusion when she noticed Reggie on the steps of the stage moving his hips in a circle. She looked over at Alex and Luke, but they both shook their heads.

Principal Lessa clapped her hands once, gaining everyone's attention. "Okay, people, show's over. Let's get back to class, please."

Everyone began filing out of the gym. Mrs. Harrison walked over to the two girls. Both of them sat at the edge of the stage to talk to her.

"Mrs. Harrison, I am so sorry for not asking for permission," Julie began.

Kat nodded. "Julie just wanted to show you she belonged in the music program, and, well, you know that I'd do anything to help her."

Their teacher shook her head. "As amazing as your performance was, Julie's spot's already been filled by another student."

Kat turned to the right to see a small boy, possibly a freshman, was dragging a large instrument down the stairs of the stage. It made Kat wince as she heard it thud.

"Come on, that thing is way too big for him!" Julie protested.

"He'll grow into it," Mrs. Harrison replied, although she sounded unsure. "I wish that I could help you, Julie, but my hands are tied."

"Mine aren't," Principal Lessa announced, walking up to the stage and standing beside Mrs. Harrison. "And as much as I didn't approve of this little stunt that you two pulled, I will not go down in history as the principal who kicked Julie Molina out of the music program, or got Kat Ambrose into trouble for simply singing."

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