Mayank's care

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It's been two months since Tara is at home resting. Mayank is taking a good care of her. Tara is also surprised because all member of Goenka's are taking a good care of her except Sushila.

Tara was happy that everyone is taking a good care of her. Everyone is treating her like a member of their family. She is happy but didn't let anyone seen it. She is now keeping her emotions and expressions to herself only.

Everything in Goenka Villa was going normal even more better than other days. Everyone is happy with whatever things are going on. But they don't know that a big storm is coming in their life. Which is going to destroy their happiness, their family and everything they have.

It was morning everyone was on dining table having their breakfast peacefully. When Mayank entered holding Tara by her side. He made her sit on chair and serve her breakfast in her plate.

Seeing this scene in front of them Naira and Kartik smile at each other secretly. Manish too looked at Kartik in teasing way. And sign him to look at Mayank's action. Shubham was enjoying and pressing his laugh watching both the couples.

Swarna who was observing all this smile a little. It's not like she doesn't care for her son she do. But she has suffered a lot. She is happy to see her children happy. But her gaze fell at Sushila who was looking angry due to the closeness of her grandchildren.

Her smile faded as soon as she saw Sushila.
' What mom is thinking? No I can't let her destroy my Mayank's happiness again.' Swarna thought in her mind. Manish shake her a little when he saw her loss somewhere.

' What happened?' Manish sigh her with his eyes. Swarna nodded as 'nothing.' She again dig in her food. Mayank was time to time glancing at Tara. She was eating small bits munching her food slowly.

He took half of roti and put in her plate. She looked at him. But he sigh her to finish it too. Sighing a little she start to eat it as she know that Mayank won't listen to her. The hall was filled with silence only the sound of spoons and plates was roaming in the hall.

" I was thinking if Mayank and Tara should go for a vacation." Manish said and his voice roam in hall. Everyone shifted his attention towards him. Tara was about to sat something.

" There is no need of it." Sushila said glaring at him with anger.
" There is mom, Tara's health is not good so for a little change they should go somewhere." Manish replied to her calmly.

" And Kartik and  Naira should also go for their honeymoon." Manish said and smile teasing Kartik. Kartik blushed a little and looked down.
" Actually dad I'm a bit busy with my work, I took a long leave for my wedding so I have to complete my pending work." Naira answered to him.

" It's OK dad we will plan whenever Naira will be free and I also have to handle everything in absence of Bhai." Kartik said. Mayank looked at Kartik, it's first time he felt a unknown pleasant emotion when Kartik address him as a brother.

He was looking at Kartik who was smiling. Kartik felt a gaze on him. He looked at the gaze and saw Mayank looking at him with a tear in his left eyes. Kartik sign him to wipe his tear and nodded his head as no indicating him not to cry.

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