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Oct 31st 2010
On earth
Damien the local chill dude who at the moment in his apartment texting his friends about an up and coming party in the woods across the street. It was Halloween and he also had to go party city to pick up a outfit to wear. He Ponders a bit on it. He got an idea speed walking outside locking his door and down the stairs of his apartment complex.

Made his relatively short journey to the party city near by. He enjoyed this town because of how close everything was. His house, Friends houses, His college, Stores, Everything. His unfortunately parents died not too long ago they used to live near too. Now that he's an adult, At least he can deal with being alone more often and able to care for himself.

A few blocks later he made his way to the party city getting greeted by his friend and local emo girl ya know. All monotone clothing, some black make up, scrawny. Just the typical wear you get if you look up emo in google. She looked at him with the same bored expression as always. "Hey Damien what brings you here this wonderful morning"
Damian responds with a smug expression plastered on his face. "Oh I came here to experience your amazing and sun shiney attitude you display everyday, Oh you're such an amazing ray of sunshine." She managed to Crack a small giggle, She lightens her gaze and asks, "You're getting your outfit for the party tonight? Heard Roger was coming also." Damien nods looking at some of outfits and props in the front of the store, Not seeming too satisfied. He looks far and wide through out the store to find nothing that interested him. As he was glancing around a thought did graze his mind. He wanted to dress a little cute or softer for someone he liked. He himself was not straight even though his deminor shows he is into women but never judge a book by its coved. A few of his closer friends knows he doesn't like women like that, Including the emo girl in the front knows, she being a closer friend. Her name is Quin, She was friends with him for about 4 years now. They were in high school together and graduated around the same time. Both of them not leaving this city for the reason of how quite yet not stagnant town. Not the hassle of the big city and the quiet, still and isolating atmosphere of the country side. This was another reason they bonded, sharing common views and now having history together spanning years.

With this she caught notice of his expressions and how he was looking at the outfits. Her expression changes to a almost giggling smug expression. "Wanna dress up for himm" Damien had a noticeable shiver as be blushes lightly. Even though it wasn't that visible, His expression changes to a surprised one. "N-no. well- OK yeah. Just lucky No one is here, Since it's so early. I know he's not straight either and I want to get to know him better.."

She nods, not wanting to make him feel bad about this. "Cmon you got this man, you're nice and chill dude. Just remember to calm down and be yourself; Even if that overused." Damien looks down. "I guess so."
"I can help you look for an outfit if you want" She asks, and Damien nods. "Follow me." She waves him to follow her to the back. The both take a brief walk and makes it to a basement area of the store. Now able to look through old boxes of outfits scrapped of stored for later.

"I want to be a bit more soft but not make it obvious." Damian says timidly. She nods, with this He searched through a few boxes and finds something that peaked his interest. Glowing green cat ears, he put them on giggling a bit. "Found something i really like." She looked up at him "You look nice and all, But how will you tie this into an outfit?"
He looks around and find alien antenna
As. "I can be an alien cat space invader! Meow." She giggles. "You're such a child heh. But what about the tail?" Damian Ponders on this finding a tail but not a glowing one. "Damn it.. it's not glowy , it would have looked so wellll" He says in a whiney tone. "I don't think it matters that much bud" She says now with an unamused expression.

They both exit the basement area of the store. He goes up the cash register and pays for his outfit. "See you at the party?" She nods "yeah ima be their early anyways to help set up, You can too we can always use a helping hand." He nods and leaves the store.

In his mind he starts thinking of things he can do. Decides to head their early too to help but also get snacks. Now goings go to the near by gas station to buy snacks. He knows his crush likes white cheddar popcorn. So he was gonna buy a personal bag for the two of them and bags of chips for the others. Also maybe some sodas for the rest of them.

A short walk later to the gas station later, He enters first noticing the dull lighting and quite boring surroundings. While he was roaming down one of the isles he spots 2 of his friends. Roger and Issac. Issac a team player in the nearby college football team. Roger was the amazing artist studying art in that same college. In Damien's mind those two hung out too much to just be friends but it's basically a head Canon of his that he writes in his journal. His journal is something he uses to jot down thoughts and draw little doodles.

He walks up to them noticing how close they were before and how they separated as he drew near. "Oh hey damien!" The cheery Roger exclaimed. Issac waves and says "hey". Damien starts picking up snacks. "You guys going to the party tonight?" They both nod, Isaac looks up. "I'm just grabbing some ice for the party, of course they're bringing beers. I know you dont like drinking much so they're bringing alcohol free drinks" Roger adds his two bits "and im here to tag along." Damien could swear they looked at each other lovingly for a second. Damien nods and searches around picking up some big bags and also the assortment of chips. A bit more wandering later and finds a box of a sodas and buys two.
."hm we have a few hours and ima be there early to help set up" They nod and such too. He goes to pay for the food. He waves his friends goodbye and heads back on his way to the house.

The walk home was cool and the sun not yet on it's setting phase but near it. It felt nice as the wind blew through his hair. The frosty winds were bracing. Feeling alive more than ever. These alone times made him feel more recharged. He made it home unlocking the door and heading inside. He yawns and stretches.
, Deciding to take a nap. Setting all of the food on the table and in the fridge. Setting his outfit beside him and flopping on the couch. Setting an alarm for 6:30 pm and takes a nap


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⏰ Last updated: May 07 ⏰

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