☆𝘉𝘰𝘺𝘴 𝘋𝘰𝘯'𝘵 𝘊𝘳𝘺☆ 𝘉𝘳𝘪𝘢𝘯 𝘏𝘦𝘢𝘥 𝘞𝘦𝘭𝘤𝘩

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*SKIP TO 2:53* *The camera in the video is Jon's POV* In a clip caught by Jon, Brian appears to possibly be tearing up. Brian then gets pissed off, breaking Jon's camera. What is Brian crying about??? Find out...


JUNE 16th, 1984

You grew up with a verbally abusive father and divorced parents. Your mother left your father, your father was a bad man. He'd been verbally abusing you since you were 4 goddamn years old. You and your sister had to live with going back and forth to see your father, you both hated it. Kassandra, your sister, got the worst of the abuse, she then looked at you one day. You were 14, she 16. She said: 'I don't know about you..but..I'm not ever going back there! No..one..can a make me.' You listened to her words, realizing that the abuse was not something that you could just ignore. You then permanently stayed with your mom, leaving your father and his new wife. One day, you were outside on your side porch, sobbing. Your father had sold all the clothes you had at his house, getting rid of all your things as well. Your mother had given you an extremely expensive and important necklace, you kept it there. You sobbed and sobbed, wanting to scream out loud..until a soft voice, coming from in front of you..grew louder. "Hey, are you okay?" A voice of a little shy 14-year-old boy asked. You looked up at him, embarrassed for sobbing in front of him. You said, "It's just my..dad..doesn't want me..anymore." You buried your hands in your face, sobbing even more. "Oh, I'm really sorry, shame on him. I don't understand how he wouldn't want you,..Y/N." You looked up at him, surprised he knew your name. "H- how did you know my name?" You wiped your face, "I pay attention, and I really like how your name sounds..Y/N. It just sounds so good to say." You were flattered that he liked your name, "Well, I like the name, Brian, it's a name you don't hear enough of. I feel like." He smiled, blushing a little bit, "Can I sit?" He looked at the empty space between you and the railing. "Yes, of course." You were excited to talk to someone. Brian sat down close to you, it was later in the evening.
Brian yawned and put his arm around you, stretching his legs, putting them out, and slightly leaning back. Brian was a shy boy, you also felt him shaking a little bit. It was the 80's and every guy had pulled that trick. You smiled, you couldn't help but lean into his arms, you both stared at the evening sky, his sweet scent, you would never forget. You leaned your head back, his eyes meeting yours. Brian then kissed your forehead, you felt so safe and warm, you wanted this moment to get even better. You stood up, looking at Brian, you then pulled him up off the step. You smiled into his eyes and you passionately kissed him, he kissed you back with even more passion...

FRIDAY, MAY 16th, 1998


It was a beautiful Sunday, like any other. The day was bright and filled with the warm weather. You and Brian went out shopping, you both loved to buy everything..except what you needed. Brian drove you to the store, he parked the 'corvette', he then opened your door for you. You both went into a little shop that was close by in your town. You were having a blast! You and Brian who were both 28 acted like 14-year-olds. Throwing random stuff in the cart, and maybe making small messes along the way.

2:34 PM

"Hey, Y/N, I'm gonna go get some coffee and some filters." You smiled at him, "Okay, babe, I'll be right here." He kissed your cheek and walked out of the aisle. You were in the pasta aisle in the store, you wanted Brian to make his homemade spaghetti. You reached for the box of the noodles you needed, a voice scared you. "Can I get that for you?" You froze in fear, and your heart rate spiked. You were almost out of breath, you looked over, "Y/N, it's been a long time since I've seen you." You didn't speak, "Are you here buying more cigarettes for your mother?" You were angry, you didn't say anything, still. "Don't you know who I am?" The figure came towards you, and you began to back up, "What's a matter?" That figure was your father, and he was too close to you. You then tried to run out of the aisle, but you couldn't. Your father grabbed your wrist and wouldn't let you go, "Let me go." You managed to say in a low, angry tone.    "Y/N, don't you think you need to calm down?" The heat lashed through your face, and you pulled. "I think you need to go fall down a hole and die!" You then kicked him in the groin, he let go of you and you were able to get away. As you ran, tears streamed down your cheeks, your heart was the fastest it had ever been. You ran through all the isles, making eye contact with the people in the isles, you found Brian. You were sobbing, you didn't care if people had seen, you had just gone face to face with satan himself, your father. You went up to Brian and grabbed him, you hid behind him while you hid your face. "Y/N! What happened? Are you okay? Y/N, please! What's the matter?" Brian flipped out, you were waiting for your father to come to this aisle and...do something. "M- my-..he w- was here, B-Brian." You managed to say, "Who?" Brian looked at you, you sobbed even harder. Brian then realized who you talking about, "Did he hurt you? Did he touch you? Did he talk to you?" Brian was upset, his eyebrows bunched together. "H- he..grabbed my w- wrists." Brian picked up your arm so he could see your wrist. Your wrist felt hot and sore, there was a ring of red irritation left around it. Brian's jaw grew hard and tight, "He came into your isle?" You nodded, "Okay." Brian hugged you and you fell into his chest, "I'm right here baby, no more can he hurt you." You felt the safest you've ever felt in your life. Brian grabbed your hand and held it tightly, he kept you safe from all angles as you walked out of the store. You looked at him, "Brian, what about all the stuff we need?" "I'll get it somewhere else, I can't risk you getting hurt again." Brian opened the door of the car and you sat down. Brian was in a serious and very protective mood. He kept your hand clutched in his hand.

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