XV. Triggerfinger

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( Terribly Desirable )    ✝︎     ───      15.

MELODY HAD forgotten half of the things that had happened last night at the bar, zoning out for most of it. The only thing that she remembered was that they had a new person with them. Melody smiles as Daryl rushes to her the minute she got out of the car, his arms wrapping around his daughter. Leona followed straight after him, tail wagging excitedly when Melody picked her up, licking all over her face. Daryl checked her over, making sure she wasn't hurt.

Carl ran over to her the minute he stopped hugging Rick, his arms wrapping around her waist. Melody passed Leona over to Daryl as she hugs Carl back, kissing his head. Carl mumbles something about her not leaving him again, making her smile down at him.

Carl leads her into the house when everyone noticed the guy in the car, his hand gripping hers like he was scared she was going to leave again.

Everyone sat around the table as Rick started explaining why they had brought him along. Carl was sat in Melody's lap, helping her make more arrows for both her and Daryl's crossbows. Leona sat by their feet, tail thumping against the wooden floors as she chews on a spare piece of wood.

Lori noticed Rick's hand on the back of Melody's chair, how his knuckles were softly brushing against her shoulder. Shane had told her what he had apparently seen in Melody's tent a few nights ago and she had called him a liar, wanting to believe that Shane was only trying to cause an even bigger rift between her and Rick.

Rick moved his hand away when Daryl walked into the house, standing up slightly straighter. Melody sent her dad a smile when he walked in, nodding her head to the arrows that Carl had helped her make.

She rolled her eyes when Shane and Rick started arguing, sending Carl a look that made him smile. When Hershel started arguing with Shane, Melody hides her grin, trying not to laugh at Shane. Carol nudges her when she heard her giggling, trying not to smile as Melody flips Shane off before he walked out of the house.

Melody rolled her eyes when Andrea followed after Shane, sharing a look with Carol.

Everyone started leaving the room, Melody and Carl walking outside with Leona when Carl asked if they could go play with her instead of having to listen to everyone argue.

Leona chased after Carl when he started running, a grin spread on his face. Melody watched them with a smile, jumping slightly when she felt an arm wrap around her shoulder. She sent Maggie a smile, the two girls watching Leona and Carl run around.

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