VII. What Lies Ahead

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( Terribly Desirable ) ✝︎ ─── 07.
What Lies Ahead.

     MELODY KEPT her grip tight around Daryl's waist as he drove Merle's bike, chin resting against his shoulder. Her hair had been tied back just in case the wind blew it in his face. Her eyes narrowed as Daryl turned back around to talk to Dale.

"See a way through?" Dale asked Daryl. Daryl nodded his head, driving around the van to show Dale the way.

Melody kept her eye out for any walkers, frowning at the sight of the many deserted cars. She jumped when Dale's engine cut out, a loud hissing sound followed by smoke. Daryl stops the bike, letting Melody get off first before following after her.

"I said it, didn't I say it?" Dale complains as he gets out of his van. "A thousand times, dead in the water."

"Can't we just leave it?" Melody asked as she stands next to Glenn, arms intertwining with each other despite Daryl's huff of annoyance. "It's not gonna last long, it's only a matter of time before the engine blows up."

Melody rolled her eyes as she gets ignored, walking back over to sit on the bike. She really couldn't be bothered listening to them right now. She picked at the skin around her nails as everyone began searching the cars, making sure to be on guard for walkers.

She noticed Rick walking past with a gun, tilting her head slightly at the sight. Even if she did hate him for leaving Merle, she wasn't blind. He was very attractive, especially with a gun in his hands.

She followed after him, setting her crossbow down before clasping her hands behind her back as she caught up with him. He looked down at her as she cleared her throat, his eyebrows furrowed. She smiled in amusement at the sight of a pretty nasty bruise on his jaw, albeit it was faded.

"I really got you good, didn't I?" She asked with a grin, eyes never leaving the bruise. Rick hummed in agreement, keeping his gaze on the road. "I ain't gonna say sorry for it, if that's what you're after."

"Wasn't expecting you to," Rick responded with a hint of an amused smile. "It hurt like a bitch, where'd you learn to punch like that?"

"My dad," She smiled, falling into step with him. Damn, he had long legs. She looked up at him as he watched the road, proud of the bruise she had caused. It was her best punch yet.

Rick looked over at Dale as he looked at something through his binoculars, raising his gun before cocking it after he seen a walker. Melody went to get her crossbow before Rick grabbed her arm and ran to Lori and Carl before practically shoving her underneath a car. She winces as the rough gravel scrapes her knees, making a mental note to punch Rick again.

Terribly Desirable ✹ Rick GrimesWhere stories live. Discover now