Mary Poppins tries to redeem a dead man

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"Who are you?" Phillip asks britishly. The lady offers her hand to Prince Phillip and helps him stand. Prince Phillip feels his head. He's... he's... bald. He looks to his left. On the ground, a thin, gray strand of hair lay.
"Mary Poppins," the woman replies.
Mary Poppins had made him bald.
"Why are you here?" Phillip growls. Suddenly, Prince Andrew ran in.
"Daddy, daddy! Come sign the opening to this charity for bald men with me!" The man squeals.
"I don't have time," Phillip replied. Tears sting at Andrew's eyes.
"I hate you!" Andrew cries before running out. Phillip sighs and shakes his head. "He's sixty, he needs to get a job," he murmurs.
"Well, perhaps all he needs is love," Mary says.

Mary took her time to explore the castle, which was unnecessarily large. She heard a ghostly "oooooo" from behind her. Mary turned around.
"Go away, Henry," Mary said. King Henry the 8th frowned and disappeared.
"Why, hello." Mary turned yet again to see the queen.
"Your majesty!" Mary bowed. The queen chuckled.
"Please, please, just call me Lizzy."
"Of course..." Mary hesitated, "Lizzy." They walked together through the hallows.
"What brings you here, Mary?" Lizzy asked.
"See, I have this sense," Mary explained, "Where, whenever families need my help, I begin to shake and quake. It's quite a disturbance, but it helps me know. Then, I fly away to wherever my umbrella takes me."
"It must be hard having to fix things for others," Lizzy said. Mary shrugged.
"It's olright. It's what I'm meant to do."
"What about finding your own happiness?" They were silent.
Mary tried to change the topic, "Phillip, hm? Is he fine?"
"Fine as in attractive or as in okay? Because the second one."
"Oh," Mary frowned, "That's a shame."
"What can you do?" Lizzy said. "Anyways, it's nearly teatime."
Teatime was a state mandated thing. Everybody in Britain was legally required to drink tea at exactly 4:00. If not, they'd be... taken care of. So the women went into the garden and drank tea. And talked. And talked.
Something about Queen Elizabeth was captivating.

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⏰ Last updated: May 05 ⏰

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