Chapter 10

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After shift, we ended up at his place. Chris was out, at school, so it was just the two of us. I enjoyed that a lot and it gave me the perfect opportunity to tease him, but he had the same idea.

"So, mi amor, why don't we continue where we left off?" He asked me in an overly bold tone.

"Oh yeah and what would that be?" I countered.

"Maybe we should just tell them?" He repeated and my face immediately dropped.

"You ass, this is defiantly not where I thought it would end up." I spat.

"I can only imagine what you are referring to," He cheekily stated, "but seriously, why don't we just tell them?"

I stopped for a moment, thinking, not wanting to say the wrong thing, not answering him. To give myself a moment to think, I went to the fridge and poured to glasses of water and gave one to him. I took a sip of my own, still debating on whether or not to start this conversation, which would properly end up in an argument.

"What is it?" He asked worried.

"Fine, you wanna know why I'm skeptical about telling the 118? I'm skeptical of us, of you." I finally snapped.

"Why?" He asked curiously, but still a bit worried.

"Because I see how you look at him," I yelled, "and he at you. I'm not blind, you know?"

"Who are you talking about?" I snapped back.


"Buck! Who else?" She barked.

She mentioned him and I together again, like a couple or at least as two people deeply in love, too stupid to realize. Were we too stupid to realize? Was I too stupid, no I couldn't be, could I? I looked at her, super confused.

"What?" Was I could muster.

"You are in love with him, aren't you? Using me as a cover, to not be found out," She screamed, "say something, boy!"

"I am not gay, mi amor, and I am not in love with Buck. I love and are in love with YOU," I screamed back, "why do you think I call you mi amor?"

"I don't believe you." She stated calmly and walked out the door.

After she had left, I slid down the wall and onto the floor. Why couldn't she just believe me? Why couldn't I quite believe it myself?


I stormed out the door, I just needed to get away, to get home. I took the absolute shortest way home, hurried in, not caring if anyone saw my erratic temperament. I had just kicked my shoes off, when my phone rang. If it was Eddie, he wouldn't get an answer.

"Hi Tess, it's Karen, Henrietta's wife?" She stated.

"Yeah?" I mumbled, strangling a sob.

"Henrietta, Athena and I had talked about getting drinks and I wondered if you wanted to join?" She asked.

"I don't know, isn't it a bit early?" I asked, again trying to strange a sob, but failing terribly.

In the background, I could hear Hen yelling: "It's happy hour somewhere", while Karen asked: "are you okay, Tessa?"

"No?" I questioned.

"Get changed, we are picking you up." she commanded and I did as I was told.

I didn't know what to wear, so I ended up with a summer dress, with pockets. It was a beautiful marine blue dress, with the length being just under the knee. I had a pair of heels in a matching color and just like that, I was ready. Well I did put my hair up in a bun, so it wasn't as visible that it needed a wash. Twenty minutes later, there was a knock on my door and when I opened it, I saw Hen and Karen waiting.

"Hi." Karen spoke, hugging me.

We didn't talk about why I was sad; I just locked my front door and we drove to a private address.

"Are we picking Athena up?" I asked.

"No, we decided it was better to do it at hers, instead of going out." Karen explained.

Once inside, we helped Athena bringing everything outside to her terrace. It was really beautiful and it had a good view. Athena poured four glasses of red wine and toasted to a girls day.

"So, who broke your heart?" She asked after a bit of small talk.

"My boyfriend, if he still is that." I replied.

"Why wouldn't he be that?" Karen inquired.

"We had a fight, big one." I explained, when the front door opened.

"Athena?" Someone called.

"Michael, hi." Athena called back.

"He is Athena's ex." Karen explained.

When he came out, he was taller than I had expected. He greeted them all and asked me who I was. Hen took care of that, before I could even form a thought to explain it.

"So, what was the fight about?" Hen asked, while Michael was still there.

"I'm not trying to listen in, but I do know how to keep a secret, if it is," He offered, "I did keep it a secret I am gay for, what all my life. Well besides the last few months."

"How did you realize you are gay?" I asked, "I'm very sorry if that was too forward."

"No need. I think I always knew; I was just too scared to admit it," He answered, "do you question it?"

"Oh no, I know what I am, it's my boyfriend I'm wondering about. Claims to be straight, but he has clearly never seen how he looks at his best friend," I corrected, "actually, it is kinda like how Hen looks at Karen and vice versa."

"I'm sorry." He said and ended up leaving soon after.

Us girls went back to small talking, getting to know each other a bit better. Apparently Karen had a PHD and a kid with Hen and apparently, Athena was married to Bobby, because he came home in the middle of a very private conversation, but he hurried back inside quickly and we didn't see him much afterwards. A while later, my phone started ringing and of course it had to be Eddie. They curiously looked at me, properly wondering who it was.

"It's him." I fumed, declined his call and put my phone back into my pocket.

"Who?" Hen asked, properly for the hundredth time.

Next time my phone rang, I showed her the caller-id.

"Seriously?" She laughed, "him?"

"Who?" Karen begged.

"Eddie." Hen added.

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