8 | Keeping Him In The Loop

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Someone laughed, the sound familiar. "I really used to be like that, 'Suki?"

"Yeah, and I bet you still are," Another said, the voice rough and somewhat comforting.


I opened my eyes slowly, the light too bright to look at. I turned over onto my side, refusing to look up at the ceiling. I still wasn't used to having lit rooms, as a result of our treatment in the lab.

"Zu?" A soft voice spoke. "Are you awake now?"

I blinked a few times, everything becoming clearer. A man with long blue hair was crouched beside my bed (as I was told that's what it was called yesterday), a worried look on his face.

Another stood in the room, his hair spiky and a pretty blonde colour. He had crimson red eyes, his pupils reflecting some sort of concern as he watched us. I stared at him for a second, before returning my gaze to the blue-haired man in front of me.

I sat up shakily. "T-Tenko?"

He sat on the bed, tucking loose strands of hair behind my ear. "Mhm. 'Suki's here too," He smiled, gesturing to the man behind him.

"'Suki?" I questioned.

Tenko smiled softly. "He was a childhood friend of ours when we were younger. You two used to play together everyday, apparently,"

I looked at the end of my bed where the blonde man now sat. I looked back at Tenko nervously. "Is he.. like them?"

Tenko grabbed my hand. "No, no.. he's nothing like them." He squeezed my hand as a sort of reassuring gesture. "He was worried about you earlier,"

I stared at the blonde man on the bed. He was watching us talk, a soft smile on his face. He looked familiar, his eyes holding some sort of warmth I was accustomed to for unknown reasons.

I tilted my head at him. Tenko turned towards the boy. "He wants to know your name,"

The blonde smiled at me. "I'm Katsuki Bakugou,"

"Kats-suki," I attempted to smile at him.

He chuckled. "Just call me Kacchan, okay, Zu?"

I nodded my head triumphantly. "Ka-Kacchan!"

Kacchan stood up, walking around the bed before stopping in front of me. Cautiously, he put his hand on my head, before ruffling my hair, smiling softly down at me. I leaned into the touch, the gesture making me feel somewhat safe.

"Your hair's just as soft as I remember," he murmured. "It's gotten so long though.. why haven't you two cut your hair yet?"

I looked up at him. "That's an op-option?"

He ruffled my hair again. "Of course that's an option, Izu!"


He nodded. "Izu,"

"Is that my name?" I asked.

He shook his head. "Izu, that's just a nickname. Don't you remember your name?"

"We don't remember anything from the past, 'Suki." Tenko interrupted.

He paused. "..what?"

Tenko sighed. "I.. I think we should tell you what really happened to us ten years ago, 'Suki. You might wanna sit down for this."

I leaned against Tenko, feeling sleepy again. He wrapped an arm around me, letting my head rest against his shoulder. It felt nice, especially after what he just had to explain.

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