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As I was following the girls inside, I felt a hand grabbing my arm, I turned around to see my brother.

« What Dorian ?? You are going to make me late ! »

« Calm down, I just wanted to know how you are feeling after all that happened in the refectory ? »

« Well as you can see I'm all good ! I grew up with you so I am kind of used to it. »

« Ah ah ah really funny. Anyways mom also told me that we had to go to the market to buy some fruit and vegetables. So don't leave without me. »

Sudendly, a boy putted his arm on my brother shoulder and looked me in the eyes with surprise.

« Wait Alice ? Is that really you ? »

Oh no, fuck, not him.

« Wait how do you know my sister Louis? It's- »

I interupted him.

« Ok, now excuse me but I don't want to be late on my first day. bye bye. »

I quickly left him to enter go upstairs. As I was walking in the hallway I saw Michèle leaving the class all wet with a teacher. She walked past me and I heard laughter coming from the class. When I walked in I saw Descamps drawing what seems to be Michele on the board with big boobs and his friend laughing while imitating a pair of boobs.
I can't believe it, they have no dignity.
I quickly went to Descamps and took the chalk that he was holding.

« Seriously stop it, how old even are you. »

« You again, seems like you already can't leave me alone »

As I was about to respond, a boy entered in the classroom, he looked around before going towards Descamps friend and punch him in the face. Joseph then went to stop him. It all seemed like a movie, everyone was frightened. And then the boy turned to Descamps and punched him. His glasses ended up in the floor as Felbec picked them up, everyone saw that they were broken and also stain with blood. AT this moment, Joseph fell on his knee and started to scream out of pain. The dean walked in and went straight to him. The scene was horrifing, I was standing next to Simone while he kept saying "my eye, my eye".

Our english teacher came back, and Miss Giraud told us to sit down in silence.

Later on, in our next class. The athmosphere was tense. Everybody had questions, fear and images coming back. Then, a knock on the door bring us back to reality. It was Michèle, in boy's clothes ???

As she was walking towards her seat next to Simone, everyone was wispering. She is definitely my idol now.

The rest of the day went without another surprise. I joined my brother to do the grocery and came back to my house. We had dinner, first in silence, before my brother spoke.

« Today a boy from Alice's class lost his eye in a fight. »

Well thank you for that Dorian, I was trying to forget about it.

« Wait really ?! How did that even happened? I was sure that being in a boy school could be dangerous Alice, why don't you listen to me some times ? »

Nice, now my mother won't stop...
I am not even a little bit hungry after all, the food looks disgusting when the blood left in the classroom come back to my mind.
I stood up quietly.

« Sorry mom but I am not hungry.. and I need some time alone after this. »

I took my plate and put it in the sink and went to my room.

He is an ass, that sure but does he really deserve to lose an eye ?

Too many questions just kept going in my mind so I just decied to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28 ⏰

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