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Hi all! I just wanted to let you know that I am going to be deleting  this Wattpad account. Here's why::

For a long time, the fantasy world (books, tv shows, movies, fan fiction, fandom social media groups/platforms, etc...) has been my escape to deal with mental health. But as time progressed, it has become more of an addiction (and idol) than a healthy form of escape. My counselor and I have had many conversations about this and I have slowly started to come to realize that there is a difference between a heathy escape and detachment with reality/ an addiction. So while the fantasy world in and of itself isn't necessarily an unhealthy escape and is something that I will probably always enjoy, there is a point at which I have to learn to draw the line. I have to allow myself that escape where healthy and when necessary, but not allow it to become a way to avoid working through life's trials   — or, become an idol.

Because that is also what the fantasy world (for me personally) has become.  And idol. I define an idol as "anything/anyone that you spend more time with or place before God." For a long time, I have felt the Holy Spirit telling me that this addiction with the fantasy world has become a sin and idol for me. Often have I put this first before my faith in Christ. But I'm stubborn, I don't always like to listen to those around me - even when I know they're right - especially then. (It's an issue I'm working on.)
The good news is, God is EXTREMELY patient and loving. He is unrelenting in a firm discipline that is somehow both harsh and tender. His love is both gentle and authoritative. And His authority is protective, personal, and sacrificial. Not things you would expect to go together, but they do. It's one of the reasons why Christ is often referred to as the Good Shepard and we are reffered to as sheep. (Just look up about how hard it is to take care of sheep and you'll get a glimpse of what I'm getting at. lol). (Most of what I'm talking about here is taken from John 10.)
So in this patience and firm love Jesus has shown me that I need to stop putting the fantasy world before Him.

And with that, I am saying goodbye to the Wattpad community. Please know that this is not due to a lack of companionship what any of you - my fellow Wattpad friends. I am taking this as a step in my personal life and (mainly) as a personal step closer in my relationship with Christ.

THAT BEING SAID: I would like to keep track of the books I have written here just in case I get back into creative writing down the road. I think it might be helpful too be able to look back on should I develop creative writing skills in the future.
That, and I know some of you who have saved my stories may want to read them still in the future.
So - my solution::

I will not be deleting this account for a couple of months. In that time, I will create a new account with the sole purpose of re-posting my stories for a personal storage of sorts and for my readers to be able to access them still. I will also give you an update as to what that new username will be so that you may find my re-posted stories. Only after I have re-posted my stories and username for you to see will I be deleting this account. I give you all around two months after I post my new username before I delete this account.

Thank you so, so much for your friendship over the years. And for the many many (and sometimes tear filled) laughs I have enjoyed through your books and hilarious comments. I will miss you all. Thank you so much for the amazing fandom communities I have had the privilege to be a part of. I wish you all the best in life and pray that you will come to know Jesus the way I am slowly learning to (in the way He intended and not often the way at which we first perceive).

With much (platonic obvs.) love, and the beginning of a farewell,
- Fandom_Freak_029 (perviously apollos's_girl_029)

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